from mesa import Agent class FirmAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, unique_id, model, type_region, revenue_log, n_equip_c, a_lst_product, production_output, demand_quantity, R, P, C): # 调用超类的 __init__ 方法 super().__init__(unique_id, model) # 初始化模型中的网络引用 self.firm_network = self.model.firm_network self.product_network = self.model.product_network # 初始化代理自身的属性 self.type_region = type_region self.size_stat = [] self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat = {} self.dct_prod_capacity = {} # 企业涉及的产业 self.indus_i = a_lst_product # 各资源库存信息,库存资源,库存量 self.R = R # 包括库存时间的值 方便后面统计 self.R1 = {0: R} # 设备资产信息,持有设备,设备数量, 增加 设备残值 [[1,2,3],[] ] self.C = C # 包括设备时间步的值 self.C1 = {0: C} # 复制一份 self.C0 = C # 产品库存信息 库存产品,库存量 ID 数量 self.P = P # 包括 产品时间 self.P1 = {0: P} # 企业i的供应商 self.upper_i = [agent for u, v in self.firm_network.in_edges(self.unique_id) for agent in self.model.company_agents if agent.unique_id == u] # 企业i的客户 self.downer_i = [agent for u, v in self.firm_network.out_edges(self.unique_id) for agent in self.model.company_agents if agent.unique_id == u] # 设备c的数量 (总量) 使用这个来判断设备数量 self.n_equip_c = n_equip_c # 设备c产量 根据设备量进行估算 self.c_yield = production_output # 消耗材料量 根据设备量进行估算 { } self.c_consumption = demand_quantity # 设备c购买价格(初始值) # self.c_price = c_price # 资源r补货库存阈值 self.s_r = 40 self.S_r = 120 # 设备补货阙值 可选 # self.ss_r = 70 # 每一个周期步减少残值:x self.x = 20 # 试验中的参数 self.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted = {} self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted = {} self.dct_request_prod_from_firm = {} # 外部变量 self.is_prf_size = self.model.is_prf_size self.is_prf_conn = bool(self.model.prf_conn) self.str_cap_limit_prob_type = str(self.model.cap_limit_prob_type) self.flt_cap_limit_level = float(self.model.cap_limit_level) self.flt_diff_new_conn = float(self.model.diff_new_conn) # 初始化 size_stat self.size_stat.append((revenue_log, 0)) # 初始化 dct_prod_up_prod_stat for prod in a_lst_product: self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod] = { 'p_stat': [('N', 0)], 's_stat': {up_prod: {'stat': True, 'set_disrupt_firm': set()} for up_prod in prod.a_predecessors()} } # 初始化额外容量 (dct_prod_capacity) for product in a_lst_product: assert self.str_cap_limit_prob_type in ['uniform', 'normal'], \ "cap_limit_prob_type must be either 'uniform' or 'normal'" extra_cap_mean = self.size_stat[0][0] / self.flt_cap_limit_level if self.str_cap_limit_prob_type == 'uniform': extra_cap = self.model.random.uniform(extra_cap_mean - 2, extra_cap_mean + 2) extra_cap = 0 if round(extra_cap) < 0 else round(extra_cap) elif self.str_cap_limit_prob_type == 'normal': extra_cap = self.model.random.normalvariate(extra_cap_mean, 1) extra_cap = 0 if round(extra_cap) < 0 else round(extra_cap) self.dct_prod_capacity[product] = extra_cap def remove_edge_to_cus(self, disrupted_prod): # parameter disrupted_prod is the product that self got disrupted lst_out_edge = list( self.firm_network.out_edges( self.unique_id, keys=True, data='Product')) for n1, n2, key, product_code in lst_out_edge: if product_code == disrupted_prod.unique_id: # update customer up product supplier status customer = next(agent for agent in self.model.company_agents if agent.unique_id == n2) for prod in customer.dct_prod_up_prod_stat.keys(): if disrupted_prod in customer.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['s_stat'].keys(): customer.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['s_stat'][disrupted_prod][ 'set_disrupt_firm'].add(self) # print(f"{} disrupt {}'s " # f"{prod.code} due to {disrupted_prod.code}") # remove edge to customer self.firm_network.remove_edge(n1, n2, key) def disrupt_cus_prod(self, prod, disrupted_up_prod): # parameter prod is the product that has disrupted_up_prod # parameter disrupted_up_prod is the product that # self's component exists disrupted supplier num_lost = \ len(self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['s_stat'] [disrupted_up_prod]['set_disrupt_firm']) num_remain = \ len([u for u, _, _, d in self.firm_network.in_edges(self.get_firm_network_unique_id(), keys=True, data='Product') if d == disrupted_up_prod.unique_id]) lost_percent = num_lost / (num_lost + num_remain) lst_size = \ [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in self.model.company_agents] std_size = (self.size_stat[-1][0] - min(lst_size) + 1) \ / (max(lst_size) - min(lst_size) + 1) # calculate probability of disruption prob_disrupt = 1 - std_size * (1 - lost_percent) if self.model.nprandom.choice([True, False], p=[prob_disrupt, 1 - prob_disrupt]): self.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted[disrupted_up_prod] = 0 self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[ prod]['s_stat'][disrupted_up_prod]['stat'] = False status, _ = self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[ prod]['p_stat'][-1] if status != 'D': self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[ prod]['p_stat'].append(('D', self.model.t)) # print(f"{}'s {prod.code} turn to D status due to " # f"disrupted supplier of {disrupted_up_prod.code}") def seek_alt_supply(self, product): if self.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted[product] <= self.model.int_n_max_trial: if self.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted[product] == 0: self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product] = [ firm for firm in self.model.company_agents if firm.is_prod_in_current_normal(product)] if self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product]: lst_firm_connect = [] if self.is_prf_conn: for firm in self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product]: if self.firm_network.has_edge(self.unique_id, firm.unique_id) or \ self.firm_network.has_edge(firm.unique_id, self.unique_id): lst_firm_connect.append(firm) if len(lst_firm_connect) == 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product]] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_size) for size in lst_size] select_alt_supply = \ self.random.choices(self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product], weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_alt_supply = self.random.choice(self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product]) elif len(lst_firm_connect) > 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_firm_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in lst_firm_connect] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_firm_size) for size in lst_firm_size] select_alt_supply = self.random.choices(lst_firm_connect, weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_alt_supply = self.random.choice(lst_firm_connect) assert select_alt_supply.is_prod_in_current_normal(product) if product in select_alt_supply.dct_request_prod_from_firm: select_alt_supply.dct_request_prod_from_firm[product].append(self) else: select_alt_supply.dct_request_prod_from_firm[product] = [self] self.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted[product] += 1 def handle_request(self): for product, lst_firm in self.dct_request_prod_from_firm.items(): if self.dct_prod_capacity[product] > 0: if len(lst_firm) == 0: continue elif len(lst_firm) == 1: self.accept_request(lst_firm[0], product) elif len(lst_firm) > 1: lst_firm_connect = [] if self.is_prf_conn: for firm in lst_firm: if self.firm_network.has_edge(self.unique_id, firm.unique_id) or \ self.firm_network.has_edge(firm.unique_id, self.unique_id): lst_firm_connect.append(firm) if len(lst_firm_connect) == 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_firm_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in lst_firm] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_firm_size) for size in lst_firm_size] select_customer = self.random.choices(lst_firm, weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_customer = self.random.choice(lst_firm) self.accept_request(select_customer, product) elif len(lst_firm_connect) > 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_firm_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in lst_firm_connect] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_firm_size) for size in lst_firm_size] select_customer = self.random.choices(lst_firm_connect, weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_customer = self.random.choice(lst_firm_connect) self.accept_request(select_customer, product) else: for down_firm in lst_firm: down_firm.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product].remove(self) def accept_request(self, down_firm, product): if self.firm_network.has_edge(self.unique_id, down_firm.unique_id) or \ self.firm_network.has_edge(down_firm.unique_id, self.unique_id): prod_accept = 1.0 else: prod_accept = self.flt_diff_new_conn if self.model.nprandom.choice([True, False], p=[prod_accept, 1 - prod_accept]): self.firm_network.add_edge(self.unique_id, down_firm.unique_id, Product=product.unique_id) self.dct_prod_capacity[product] -= 1 self.dct_request_prod_from_firm[product].remove(down_firm) for prod in down_firm.dct_prod_up_prod_stat.keys(): if product in down_firm.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['s_stat']: down_firm.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['s_stat'][product]['stat'] = True down_firm.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['p_stat'].append( ('N', self.model.t)) del down_firm.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted[product] del down_firm.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product] else: down_firm.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted[product].remove(self) def seek_material_supply(self, material_type): lst_firm_material_connect = [] # 符合条件 可选择的上游 upper_i_material = [] # 特定 资源的上游 企业集合 for firm in self.upper_i: for sub_list in firm.R: if sub_list[0] == material_type: upper_i_material.append(firm) # 没有 上游 没有 材料的情况,也就是紊乱的情况 if len(upper_i_material) == 0: return -1 if self.is_prf_conn: for firm in upper_i_material: if self.firm_network.has_edge(self.unique_id, firm.unique_id) or self.firm_network.has_edge( firm.unique_id, self.unique_id): lst_firm_material_connect.append(firm) if len(lst_firm_material_connect) == 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in upper_i_material] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_size) for size in lst_size] select_alt_supply = \ self.random.choices(upper_i_material, weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_alt_supply = self.random.choice(upper_i_material) elif len(lst_firm_material_connect) > 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_firm_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in lst_firm_material_connect] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_firm_size) for size in lst_firm_size] select_alt_supply = self.random.choices(lst_firm_material_connect, weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_alt_supply = self.random.choice(lst_firm_material_connect) return select_alt_supply def seek_machinery_supply(self, machinery_type): lst_firm_machinery_connect = [] # 符合条件 可选择的上游 upper_i_machinery = [] # 特定 资源的上游 企业集合 for firm in self.upper_i: for sub_list in firm.R: if sub_list[0] == machinery_type: upper_i_machinery.append(firm) # 没有 上游 没有 材料的情况,也就是紊乱的情况 if len(upper_i_machinery) == 0: return -1 if self.is_prf_conn: for firm in upper_i_machinery: if self.firm_network.has_edge(self.unique_id, firm.unique_id) or self.firm_network.has_edge( firm.unique_id, self.unique_id): lst_firm_machinery_connect.append(firm) if len(lst_firm_machinery_connect) == 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in upper_i_machinery] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_size) for size in lst_size] select_alt_supply = \ self.random.choices(upper_i_machinery, weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_alt_supply = self.random.choice(upper_i_machinery) elif len(lst_firm_machinery_connect) > 0: if self.is_prf_size: lst_firm_size = [firm.size_stat[-1][0] for firm in lst_firm_machinery_connect] lst_prob = [size / sum(lst_firm_size) for size in lst_firm_size] select_alt_supply = self.random.choices(lst_firm_machinery_connect, weights=lst_prob)[0] else: select_alt_supply = self.random.choice(lst_firm_machinery_connect) return select_alt_supply def handle_material_request(self, mater_list): for list_P in self.P: if list_P[0] == mater_list[0]: list_P[1] -= mater_list[1] def handle_machinery_request(self, machi_list): for list_C in self.C: if list_C[0] == machi_list[0]: list_C[1] -= machi_list[1] def refresh_R(self): self.R1[self.model.t] = self.R def refresh_C(self): self.C1[self.model.t] = self.C def refresh_P(self): self.P1[self.model.t] = self.P def clean_before_trial(self): self.dct_request_prod_from_firm = {} def clean_before_time_step(self): # Reset the number of trials and candidate suppliers for disrupted products self.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted = dict.fromkeys(self.dct_n_trial_up_prod_disrupted.keys(), 0) self.dct_cand_alt_supp_up_prod_disrupted = {} # Update the status of products and refresh disruption sets for prod in self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat.keys(): status, ts = self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['p_stat'][-1] if ts != self.model.t: self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['p_stat'].append((status, self.model.t)) # Refresh the set of disrupted firms for up_prod in self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['s_stat'].keys(): self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['s_stat'][up_prod]['set_disrupt_firm'] = set() def get_firm_network_unique_id(self): return self.unique_id def is_prod_in_current_normal(self, prod): if prod in self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat.keys(): if self.dct_prod_up_prod_stat[prod]['p_stat'][-1][0] == 'N': return True else: return False else: return False