import numpy as np import pandas as pd from env import Env import datetime """ The is used to read the input value in the file xv.csv according to the Orthogonal Array (OA) table in the file oa25.txt. The file oa25 means that the number of total experiments is 25, as it has at most 6 inputs, each one has 5 levels. Therefore, oa25.txt has 6 columns, and the values are labelled as 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. After reading these two files, the code below runs the model one-by-one (which is very ineffective), and uses lists to record the outputs, and save the results in the sub-folder result. """ # This idx_start is used when the bulk running is unexpectedly stopped, and we need to rerun the model. idx_start = 1 # first index is 1, not 0 ! If we read oa25.txt, then the max value is 25 # number of runs for each experiment n_sample = 50 df_xv = pd.read_csv("xv.csv", header=None, index_col=None).transpose() # the names of four input indicators lst_xv_keys = [ 'alpha', 'percent_search', 'is_RH_ratio', 'is_FH_ratio' ] df_xv.columns = lst_xv_keys # read the OA table df_oa = pd.read_fwf("oa25.txt", header=None, widths=[1]*6) n_row, n_col = df_oa.shape # these para below keep unchanged model_para = { "n_worker": 1000, "n_firm": 100 } # defined six outputs lst_op_key = ['out_w_avg_salary', 'out_w_gini_salary', 'out_f_avg_profit', 'out_f_avg_yield', 'out_f_gini_profit', 'out_w_percent_hired'] lst_2d_op_avg = [] lst_2d_xv = [] for idx_row in range(idx_start-1, n_row, 1): print(f"Running the {idx_row + 1}-th experiment at {}.") lst_value = [] for idx_col, k in enumerate(lst_xv_keys): # read the corresponding value by mapping OA and xv.csv oa_idx_level = int(df_oa.iat[idx_row, idx_col]) lst_value.append(df_xv.iloc[oa_idx_level][k]) lst_2d_xv.append(lst_value) # merge the two dictionaries into one; send it to the AgentPy model dct_merge = {**model_para, **dict(zip(lst_xv_keys, lst_value))} # pprint.pprint(dct_merge) lst_2d_op = [] for i in range(n_sample): print(f"-- {i + 1}-th sample at {}.") the_model = Env(dct_merge) while 1: the_model.step() if not the_model.running: break # record the six outputs lst_2d_op.append([the_model.out_w_avg_salary, the_model.out_w_gini_salary, the_model.out_f_avg_profit, the_model.out_f_avg_yield, the_model.out_f_gini_profit, the_model.out_w_percent_hired]) arr_op = np.array(lst_2d_op) lst_2d_op_avg.append(arr_op.mean(axis=0).tolist()) # these codes below should be outside of loop. but temply inside arr_op_avg = np.array(lst_2d_op_avg) df_final = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(lst_2d_xv, columns=lst_xv_keys).reset_index(drop=True), df_oa.iloc[:, len(lst_xv_keys):].reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1) df_final = pd.concat([df_final.reset_index(drop=True), pd.DataFrame(lst_2d_op_avg, columns=lst_op_key).reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1) # save to excel files df_final.to_excel(f'result/experiment_result_{idx_row + 1}.xlsx') df_final.to_csv(f'result/experiment_result_{idx_row + 1}.csv')