import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime num_time_step = 201 num_iter = 10 env_data = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel('env_data.xlsx', engine='openpyxl', sheet_name=0)) assert env_data.shape[0] == num_iter * (num_time_step + 1), f"{env_data.shape[0]}, {num_iter * (num_time_step + 1)}" lst_df = [] for i in range(num_iter): df_tmp = env_data.iloc[i * (num_time_step + 1): (i + 1) * (num_time_step + 1), 1:] lst_df.append(df_tmp) lst_column = lst_df[0].columns # print(lst_column) # lst_column = [lst_column[2], lst_column[0]] dct_y = { 'out_w_avg_salary': 'Avg. salary of workers', 'out_w_gini_salary': "Gini index of workers' salaries (unit: 1)", 'out_f_avg_profit': "Avg. profit of firms", 'out_f_avg_yield': "Avg. yield of firms (unit: 1)", 'out_f_gini_profit': "Gini index of firms' profit (unit: 1)", 'out_w_percent_hired': "% hired workers (unit: %)" } dct_file_name = { 'out_w_avg_salary': 'd', 'out_w_gini_salary': "e", 'out_f_avg_profit': "a", 'out_f_avg_yield': "c", 'out_f_gini_profit': "b", 'out_w_percent_hired': "f" } for str_col in lst_column: x = np.arange(num_time_step+1) for df in lst_df: y = np.array(df[str_col]).flatten() if str_col == 'out_f_avg_profit': y /= 10000000000 plt.ylabel(dct_y[str_col] + r' (unit: $1 \times 10^{10}$ CNY)') elif str_col == 'out_w_avg_salary': y /= 1000000000 plt.ylabel(dct_y[str_col] + r' (unit: $1 \times 10^{9}$ CNY)') elif str_col == 'out_w_percent_hired': from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(PercentFormatter(1, decimals=0)) plt.ylabel(dct_y[str_col]) else: plt.ylabel(dct_y[str_col]) plt.xlabel('Time step') plt.plot(x, y) # # plt.close() # plt.savefig(f"{str_col}-{'%Y-%m-%d')}.pdf", bbox_inches="tight") plt.savefig(f"Fig3{dct_file_name[str_col]}.pdf", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()