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Research on Investment and Financing Decision of \SUB{1\ \ }%һ -ڽг, ʵҵͽڻͶʾߴ¿ɷΪ. ʵҵ, ʾ߿ԷΪֱʣƱʺծȯʵȣͼʣҪͨҵеȽڻ. Ӧ, ڻͶʾ߿ԷΪͶֱгͶڼг. Ŀǰҹϵ, ҵдȻռгĺĵλ$^{[1]}$, ʱгչѸ, ԼΪĽڽṹҲ˱仯$^{[2]}$. ֮ԵĿѧ: ҹڻʵҵͶʾӰֱʵıϵ? +ڽг, ʵҵͽڻͶʾߴ¿ɷΪ. ʵҵ, ʾ߿ԷΪֱ(Ʊʺծȯʵ)ͼ(ҪͨҵеȽڻ). Ӧ, ڻͶʾ߿ԷΪͶֱгͶڼг. Ŀǰҹϵ, ҵдȻռгĺĵλ$^{[1]}$, ʱгչѸ, ԼΪĽڽṹҲ˱仯$^{[2]}$. ֮ԵĿѧ: ҹڻʵҵͶʾӰֱʵıϵ? һⲻно, Ҳзdzʵʵ. Сָ, ҹӽҵʵ徭õķ, ˹ҹͶٽڻʵʵ徭õҪ$^{[3]}$. ѧ߷, ҹڻ``ʵ", ڻҵŴ, ˮƽ$^{[4]}$. ``ʵ"ҪоڻʵҵͶʾ, ͬģʽ. , ֱģʽ, ҵʽʹõɶȽϸߡֱгϿܻýϸߵʱõ, ٵгȷҲ; ڻѡҵģʽӶ, ʽȸ, ׷չΪ``ʵ"ҵ״̬, ƫ``ʵ徭"Ҫ. ڼʷʽ, ҵΪƵؿѡڻ, ʽ;ҪܵȽǿļල, ʳɱϸ$^{[5]}$, ʹ̷Խϵ; ڻҵΥԼ, ˫Ҳܷչúϵ, ˫ЭƥҲ̶ȵر֤ҵ$^{[6]}$. ȻԼֱʵо϶, ʵ֤չ, ̻ľߺͲĹ. ò۵ֵооԽ, δȫ濼ҪԼƵ. -ͼҹʵ, ͨģ΢ߺͲо/ֱʱı仯, ӶΪƶṩ. , ȹݻģ, ͨѧþһԵĽ, ѧģ͵ƣ֮󹹽ģ, ɲѧģ͵ļоӰ, ӷģͿɸ߶ʵ. ͨģͽ(4.3), ƶҹͶʽṹӰ, ҲΪѧоƸṩµо˼·. +ͼҹʵ, ͨģ΢ߺͲо/ֱʱı仯, ӶΪƶṩ. , ȹݻģ, ͨѧþһԵĽ, ѧģ͵; ֮󹹽ģ, ɲѧģ͵ļоӰ, ӷģͿɸ߶ʵ. ͨģͽ(4.3), ƶҹͶʽṹӰ, ҲΪѧоƸṩµо˼·. ĵоݺͽۼ. (1) Ƚڻʵҵݻģ, ̬ͨݻ·ķ: ڻʵҵ\{``ʱʵ徭, ", ``ʱʵ, ֱ"\}Ϊݻȶ; ҵĻˮƽٵֱг, ڻٵʱгԼӻٽ˫``"չ; ҵ޷üʵʧ˫ٵļҵͶijɱֱӻ˫``"ƫ. (2) Ϊ˽һʵ, IJ彨ģ淽ضߺͺӰ. һ, ģͿͬʱȡͶʻʵΪ, ݻ``ѡһ"Ĺǿ. һ, ڼģʽµطжԵʵҵ״Ϊ˽$^{[7]}$, ģĿռ佻Ϊ, Ӷӷʵ. ͨģʵ鷢: ʱгʳɱӰʵҵļʱ; ʵҵľӪӯˮƽӰڻͶʾ; ʵҵɼӰڻͶʱ; ``"ռȽʵҵӰ. @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Song Q, Jing Y H, Dong Z, He Z. Research on Investment and Financing Decision of ׿Կ, ڻʵҵ֮Ͷоһڵ, ȱ岩Ϊϵͳо. ݻĺͻģͷͶӦúܺõչʾ, ֧űĴ΢۽ǶȽģͷҹڻʵҵɵĸͶϵͳ. , ĵĴµΪ. һ, оӽǷ, Ĵ΢߽ģǶо``ʵ"һͶϵͳĺ, Դʵ֤о۵``", о油; ڶ, о, Ĵѧģ(ݻ)ֵõһԵĽ, ֮ſּ貢ģͿչо, ͶΪʵ, Զģͽ, Ǿноϵ; , о۷, ģȡֵʵ, ȫؽģʵ, ͨȷʶؼӰҪ, ǿоۺ߽ĿѧԺ. \SUB{3\ \ ݻо}%һ -ݻһֻڲԵIJ, ҪϵѡѧϰԴ, մﵽ̬. ڻʵҵڽʱʵ徭õоݻķ. , ݻ۶ΪȡԼ$^{[32]}$ , ʵ, ˫ڲĵĹкϢȫ, ޷趨˫Ϊȫ. ڶ, ݻעضʱĺݻ·Ŀ, ڻʵҵIJĹ̰ʱı仯͸ĽԼΪ, ͬʱ, ݻĵķҲڹ۲Ӱݻݻ·仯. , ݻĵоȺ岩, ȺÿڲĵÿһѡлѡһܹƽIJ$^{[33]}$, 봫ͳIJͬ, ݻIJֱӴﵽ״̬ѡ, ˸ʺϿ̻ʵͬһȺвͬڶ볤Чľ. +ݻһֻڲԵIJ, ҪϵѡѧϰԴ, մﵽ̬. ڻʵҵڽʱʵ徭õоݻķ. , ݻ۶ΪȡԼ$^{[32]}$ , ʵ, ˫ڲĵĹкϢȫ, ޷趨˫Ϊȫ. ڶ, ݻעضʱĺݻ·Ŀ, ڻʵҵIJĹ̰ʱı仯͸ĽԼΪ, ͬʱ, ݻĵķҲڹ۲Ӱݻݻ·仯. , ݻĵоȺ岩, ȺÿڲĵÿһѡлѡһܹƽIJ$^{[33]}$, 봫ͳIJͬ, ݻIJֱӴﵽ״̬ѡ, ˸ʺϿ̻ͬһȺвͬڶ볤Чľ. \sub{3.1\ \ ģ塢Լ趨}% \sub{3.1.1\ \ ģͲԼ} @@ -352,9 +352,9 @@ $E(\frac{(1-k) R_2-S-(1-2b) C_F}{(1-\gamma)\Delta V},\frac{L_C+(1-h) R_1-(1-2a) ʵҵ״ʵԷ: ͨ(14)ʽĹ۲Է, ҵδǰõʱ, $\gamma \Delta V-aC_C$һΪǼʸҵľЧ, $(1-h) R_1-(1-a) C_C$һӦΪҵֱͨʷʽõľЧ. 벻$A_C$ Ӧ, ҵڵľӪпԺʽӪ, ɽҵΪ: һӪ͹ֱʽõЧ; Ӫ͹ʽõЧ. -ļٶͷ, ɽͬʹģ֮ȵͬҵڲͬ»õľ֮, (14)ʽеIJʽϵǷ. ԹƱļʶծȯʶ֮ͺֱʹģ, Խڻʹģ, Windݿ, ɻݺ: 20062017, ȫֱʹģʹģıʼС1. ǰղͬݡͬʡݻֱϽнֽҲͬ. , һ, ʵĹģ, ģ; ֱʹģھһʱӺ˻ػ½(ȻҲڲ̶ͬȵӵ,ģȻڼʹģ);, ʷʽ𲽽, ڻڵطʹеζȺƳ̶ȸ͵Ľڻ,ǾǷҵԸ(ֻ)򵱵صһЩ, Ӷ˼гģ. ,ʵݺʵ,ȻľλûҪ$L_C$, λ[0,1]ΧڵļǺ. +ļٶͷ, ɽͬʹģ֮ȵͬҵڲͬ»õľ֮, (14)ʽеIJʽϵǷ. ԹƱļʶծȯʶ֮ͺֱʹģ, Խڻʹģ, Windݿ, ɻݺ: 20062017, ȫֱʹģʹģıʼС1. ǰղͬݡͬʡݻֱϽнֽҲͬ. , һ, ʵĹģ, ģ; ֱʹģھһʱӺ˻ػ½(ȻҲڲ̶ͬȵӵ,ģȻڼʹģ);, ʷʽ𲽽, ڻڵطʹеζȺƳ̶ȸ͵Ľڻ,ǾǷҵԸ(ֻ)򵱵صһЩ, Ӷ˼гģ. ,ʵݺʵ,ȻľλûҪ$L_C$(ʵҵȡ``"δɹʱĶʧ), λ[0,1]ΧڵļǺ. -ڽڻ״ʵԷ: ͨ(15)ʽĹ۲Է, ͬ$A_F$, $(1-\gamma)\Delta V+S-bC_F$ һؿΪǽڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ԴľЧ, $(1-k) R_2-(1-b) C_F$ һӦΪǽڻͨʱʵķʽõľЧ. ڼг, ҵʼ, ݵĿɻ, ˴ڻΪҵ, ͬʱеķΪͶʱгϻõ, ѯѡѵ, ݵĹ. +ڽڻ״ʵԷ: ͨ(15)ʽĹ۲Է, ͬ$A_F$(ڻδʽ䷽ʽʱijʼ), $(1-\gamma)\Delta V+S-bC_F$ һؿΪǽڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ԴľЧ, $(1-k) R_2-(1-b) C_F$ һӦΪǽڻͨʱʵķʽõľЧ. ڼг, ҵʼ, ݵĿɻ, ˴ڻΪҵ, ͬʱеķΪͶʱгϻõ, ѯѡѵ, ݵĹ. (15)ʽͬʱ``Ӫҵ"(÷$\varphi$ʾ), ҵеķϢռ(÷$\theta$ʾ)ָ, (15) ʽתΪʽ: \begin{equation} @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ b\le \frac{1}{2}(1+\frac{1-2\times \theta}{\tau}) ͳƷ, ʽҲСֵΪ1.391. ģжڲ$b$Ķ, $b$Сڵ1ķǸ, , $b$һС1.391Ҫ. -, ĻʵݿչʵԷ, ʵҵͽڻ֤˰ĺλ[0,1]֮ļ, ΪĶ̬·ͲӰƵȷ춨ʵ. +, Ļʵݿչ, ʵҵͽڻ֤˰ĺλ[0,1]֮ļ, ΪĶ̬·ͲӰƵȷ춨ʵ. \sub{3.4.2\ \ ͼ䶯}% ĵļʵݷ, ͼ, Eǰ, ͼ1ʾ: @@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ $C_C,C_F,\gamma $& ͨڲͬ, $M_1$$M_2$ĵ, ж仯, : -$\Delta V$, $h$, $k$, $S$ʱ, $M_2$,ʵҵͽڻ˫ڼʵҵģʽĿԸ. ⲿֵѧʵҲʵеһЩʶԵľ, ҵģʽ˫ɹĹͬ, ԵIJ, ˫ȻѡԼ; ͬʱ, Ӧ»ķ, ѡӦԵȻ½. +$\Delta V$(½ڻʽҵ, ˫ö), $h$(ʵҵȡֱʱķϵ), $k$(ڻȡ``ʵ"ʱϵ), $S$(ԽڻӦʵ徭ߵļԲ)ʱ, $M_2$,ʵҵͽڻ˫ڼʵҵģʽĿԸ. ⲿֵѧȽϷһЩʶԵľ, ҵģʽ˫ɹĹͬ, ԵIJ, ˫ȻѡԼ; ͬʱ, Ӧ»ķ, ѡӦԵȻ½. -$L_C$, $R_1$, $R_2$, $a$, $b$ʱ, $M_2$. ʵ, ҵͽڻ``ֱ"Ժ``ʱʵ"IJܹõ½(ҵѡ``"ڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ʱijɱܳɱռ½)ʱ, ѡ˫ҵģʽ(Ȼⲿֵijɱռʵжҵͽڻ趨, Ҳⲿɵ, ﲻϸ). , $L_C$ ϵʱ, ҵܻȥԺȡ``"IJ. +$L_C$(ʵҵȡ``"δɹʱĶʧ), $R_1$(ʵҵȡֱδǷ벻ȷʱ), $R_2$(ڻȡ``ʵ"δǷʱ), $a$(ʵҵʲijɱռ), $b$(ڻʵ徭õijɱռ)ʱ, $M_2$. ʵ, ҵͽڻ`` ֱ"Ժ``ʱʵ"IJܹõ½(ҵѡ``"ڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ʱijɱܳɱռ½)ʱ, ѡ˫ҵģʽ(Ȼⲿֵijɱռʵжҵͽڻ趨, Ҳⲿɵ, ﲻϸ). , $L_C$ ϵʱ, ҵܻȥԺȡ`` "IJ. -ڵʱ, $\gamma, C_C, C_F$$M_1$$M_2$ Ӱ첻ж, ܵĴСõӰ, ﵥ. +ڵʱ, $\gamma$(öʵҵռ), $C_C$(ʵҵΪʵʳɱ), $C_F$(ڻṩʷijɱ)$M_1$$M_2$ Ӱ첻ж, ܵĴСõӰ, ﵥ. ̽$C_C$, $C_F$Ӱ. ͨ󵼷, $M_1$$M_2$ Ӱܵ$a,b$ Ӱ. $a,b$ ķΧ[0,1/2]֮(ҵΪüijɱСΪֱijɱ), ڻȡ``ʱʵ徭"ʱijɱС``ʱʵ"IJijɱʱ, $C_C$ $C_F$ ,$M_2$. 仰˵, Ȼɱʱ, Բ˫ľ涼һʧ, ΪΧĹϵ, ʹö\{``"``ʱʵ徭"\}ijɱӵӰСһ. @@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ $C_C,C_F,\gamma $& \sub{4.1.1\ \ ģͱ }% -ģͲ6ʾ, д󲿷ֲͱ1ݻģ͵IJһ, ȡֵݼ4.2.1. ΪȷʵҵͽڻԻ߱, ʷֱʹ$i, j$ӦԱע. +ģͲ6ʾ, д󲿷ֲͱ1ݻģ͵IJһ, ȡֵݼ4.2.1. ΪȷʵҵͽڻԻ߱, ʷֱʹ$i, j$ӦԱע. \begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{6\ \ ģͲ(ͱ1ݻģ͵IJһ)}}}\\ {\sz {\textbf{Table 6\ \ Agent-based model parameters}}}\\ @@ -518,9 +518,9 @@ DDirect_j=min[(1-n_j)d_jB_i,(1-n_j)d_jB_i\frac{\sum(1-m_i)}{\sum(1-n_j)d_j}] ģͱƵ, ȷ11(ģ)ĸָ(ģ). \sub{4.2.1\ \ ָ}% -ݻģ͵ĻҪ, ѡ$v_i$, $\gamma$, $\rho$, $s_j$, $d_j$, $f_{1,j}$, $f_{2,j}$, $p_{1,j}$, $k_j$, $lo_i$, $h_i$11Ϊ, ÿؾ3, ȡֵ6ʾ. Ϊ˽о⼯ڶͶʱߵ, ĺ$A_{C,i}$$A_{F,j}$˫Ӱ첢趨Ϊ0. Ϊ˾ֵܱ֤ʵ, $B_i$趨Ϊ1000Ļҵλ, ۵ڻͶʵʽģֱΪ$B_i$1, 5, 9ʱԾߵӰǷ. $v_i$ڲͬҵʲϴ, IJȡֲϴȡֵ, ۲ǷԾ߲Ӱ. ǵͬҵʳɱͬ, IJȡ˽Ϊƽֵ0.1Ϊ$c_{1,i}$ȡֵ. $lo_i=0$ʾҵܹнڻ, $lo_i=1, 2$ֱʾҵܹлΧ12λڵĽڻмҵĺ. ÿηģͽ64(58ҵ6ҽڻ), λÿζָ$8 \times 8$񻷾, پ֮ľ. ģ;100ʱ䲽ֹͣ. +ݻģ͵ĻҪ, ѡ$v_i$(ҵýڻʽоӪ), $\gamma$(öʵҵռ), $\rho$(ڻʱгδǷյʽ), $s_j$(ԽڻӦʵ徭ߵļԲ), $d_j$(ڻͶŵʽģҵʽģı), $f_{1,j}$(ڻɹʵ徭ṩʷľӪɱ), $f_{2,j}$(ڻȡ``ʵ"ԵľӪɱ), $p_{1,j}$(ڻȡ``ʵ徭"δɹʱĶʧɱ), $k_j$(ڻȡ``ʵ"ʱϵ), $lo_i$(ʵҵڻľ뷶Χ), $h_i$(ʵҵȡֱʱķϵ)11Ϊ, ÿؾ3 , ȡֵ6ʾ. Ϊ˽о⼯ڶͶʱߵ, ĺ$A_{C,i}$(ʵҵδʷʽʱijʼ)$A_{F,j}$(ڻδʽ䷽ʽʱijʼ)˫Ӱ첢趨Ϊ0. Ϊ˾ֵܱ֤ʵ, $B_i$(ʵҵʹģ)趨Ϊ1000Ļҵλ, ۵ڻͶʵʽģֱΪ$B_i$1, 5 , 9ʱԾߵӰǷ. $v_i$ڲͬҵʲϴ, IJȡֲϴȡֵ, ۲ǷԾ߲Ӱ. ǵͬҵʳɱͬ, IJȡ˽Ϊƽֵ0.1Ϊ$c_{1,i}$(ʵҵüʺʳɱ)ȡֵ. $lo_i=0$ʾҵܹнڻ, $lo_i=1, 2$ֱʾҵܹлΧ12λڵĽڻмҵĺ. ÿηģͽ64(58ҵ6ҽڻ), λÿζָ$8 \times 8$񻷾, پ֮ľ. ģ;100 ʱ䲽ֹͣ. -IJPythonʵַģ, ߲ESTOPT$^{[34]}$. ģ͵11, ÿ3ȡֵ, ʲ$L_{27}(3^{13})$ʵ, $m_i$, $n_j$, $\pi_i$, $\pi_j$ĸָΪ. ÿһʵظ10, ȡ4ָľֵ. 270ʵ, ¼ģ͵, 7ʾ. , 13жоӰֻ11, пհ(ֳ)ڹ. +IJPythonʵַģ, ߲ESTOPT$^{[34]}$. ģ͵11, ÿ3ȡֵ, ʲ$L_{27}(3^{13})$ʵ, $m_i$(ҵƻԴڼʵʽ), $n_j$(ڻƻͶ``"ҵʽ), $\pi_i$(ʵҵ), $\pi_j$(ڻ)ĸָΪ. ÿһʵظ10 , ȡ4ָľֵ. 270ʵ, ¼ģ͵, 7ʾ. , 13жоӰֻ11 , пհ(ֳ)ڹ. %\begin{table}[] \begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{7\ \ ʵ}}}\\ @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ $\rho$ & 2 & 0.818 & 14.087 \sub{4.3\ \ ݻĽԱȷ}% -ͨԷ: һ, $v_i$$\pi_i$$n_j$$\pi_j$֪, ʵҵӪˮƽӰ, ͬʱԽڻʽߺӰ. ԱݻĵĽԷ, ʵҵĻüʺˮƽ, ˫ҵҪ.һDZȽϷϿ͹ʵ, ڻԴڶ, Ӹ˵, ֻʵ徭, ܴõĻԾʽͨ, ܱ֤ڻ. ڶ, $\rho$$m_i$ , ݻģͽйҵֱʲijɱӰĽһµ. , Ȼ$\gamma$ݻģͽ׶εӰûȷıʾ, ģʵҲûбֳ$m_i$$n_j$Ӱ, $\pi_i$ Ӱ. $\gamma$ Ϊ˫ҵһЭָ, ʵҵһ״Ƶһ, ŻӰȽ. , ݻģͽ׶, ģп˵غҵҪڻͶʹĹģԱȵӰ, ʵ, $lo_i$$m_i$ȻûӰ, Ƕ$n_j$ǴӰ, ˵ʵҵ, رС΢ҵͨᰴվͽԭȥѰд, ھҵձԶĽڻ, ׽ҵϵ, Ҳ˵Ҫ˫ļҵĺ, ڻҪܿʵҵ, ҲϽڻԼطзչʵ. , $d_j$$\pi_i$Ӱ, Ҳ˵˽ڻʽ𹩸ܹʵҵҪӰ. +ͨԷ: һ, $v_i$(ҵýڻʽоӪ)$\pi_i$(ʵҵ)$n_j$(ڻƻͶ``"ҵʽ)$\pi_j$(ڻ)֪, ʵҵӪˮƽӰ, ͬʱԽڻʽߺӰ. ԱݻĵĽԷ, ʵҵĻüʺˮƽ, ˫ҵҪ.һDZȽϷϿ͹ʵ, ڻԴڶ, Ӹ˵, ֻʵ徭, ܴõĻԾʽͨ, ܱ֤ڻ. ڶ, $\rho$(ڻʱгδǷյʽ)$m_i$(ҵƻԴڼʵʽ), ݻģͽйҵֱʲijɱӰĽһµ. , Ȼ$\gamma$(öʵҵռ)ݻģͽ׶εӰûȷıʾ, ģʵҲûбֳ$m_i$$n_j$ Ӱ, $\pi_i$ Ӱ. $\gamma$ Ϊ˫ҵһЭָ, ʵҵһ״Ƶһ, ŻӰȽ. , ݻģͽ׶, ģп˵غҵҪڻͶʹĹģԱȵӰ, ʵ, $lo_i$(ʵҵڻľ뷶Χ)$m_i$ȻûӰ, Ƕ$n_j$ǴӰ, ˵ʵҵ, رС΢ҵͨᰴվͽԭȥѰд, ھҵձԶĽڻ, ׽ҵϵ, Ҳ˵Ҫ˫ļҵĺ, ڻҪܿʵҵ, ҲϽڻԼطзչʵ. , $d_j$(ڻͶŵʽģҵʽģı)$\pi_i$ Ӱ, Ҳ˵˽ڻʽ𹩸ܹʵҵҪӰ. \SUB{5\ \˼}%һ diff --git a/20230206entity_finance.tex.bak b/20230206entity_finance.tex.bak new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a1c71c --- /dev/null +++ b/20230206entity_finance.tex.bak @@ -0,0 +1,789 @@ +\documentclass[twoside]{cctart} +\usepackage{amsmath} +\usepackage{headrule,vatola,amssymb} +\usepackage{graphicx,multirow,bm} +\usepackage{booktabs,dcolumn}%С +\newcolumntype{z}[1]{D{.}{.}{#1}}%С +\usepackage{tabularx}%ڱԶ +\usepackage{slashbox}%б +%\usepackage{footmisc,perpage} +%\newcommand{\tabincell}[2]{\begin{tabular}{@{}#1@{}}#2\end{tabular}}% ڵ +%=========================Page Format (˲ֶ޸)================================ +\setlength{\voffset}{-5mm} \headsep 0.3 true cm \topmargin 0pt +\oddsidemargin 0pt \footskip 2mm \evensidemargin 0pt \textheight +24.5 true cm \textwidth 16.5 true cm \setcounter{page}{1} +\parindent 2\ccwd +\nofiles + +\TagsOnRight\baselineskip 12pt + +\catcode`@=11 \long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent +\hbox to 0pt{\hss$^{}$}#1} \catcode`\@=12 + +\catcode`@=11 +\def\evenhead{} +\def\oddhead{} +\headheight=8truemm +% \footheight=0pt +\def\@evenhead{\pushziti + \vbox{\hbox to\textwidth{\rlap{\rm\thepage}\hfil{\evenhead}\llap{}} + \protect\vspace{2truemm}\relax + \hrule depth0pt height0.15truemm width\textwidth + }\popziti} +\def\@oddhead{\pushziti + \vbox{\hbox to\textwidth{\rlap{}{\oddhead}\hfil\llap{\rm\thepage}} + \protect\vspace{2truemm}\relax + \hrule depth0pt height0.15truemm width\textwidth + }\popziti} +\def\@evenfoot{} +\def\@oddfoot{} +\catcode`@=12 + +\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} +\def\d{\displaystyle} \def\n{\noindent} +\def\ST{\songti\rm\relax} +\def\HT{\heiti\bf\relax} +\def\FS{\fangsong\relax} +\def\KS{\kaishu\relax} +\def\sz{\small \zihao{-5}} +\def\vs{\vspace{0.3cm}} +\def\ay{\arraycolsep=1.5pt} + +\def\SEC#1#2#3{\vspace*{.2in} \begin{center} +{\LARGE\zihao{3}\HT #1}\\[.2in] +\zihao{4}\fangsong#2\\[.1in] +\small\zihao{-5}#3 \end{center}} + +\def\ESEC#1#2#3{\vskip.2in \begin{center} +{\Large \HT #1}\\[.2in] +\normalsize #2\\[.1in] +\footnotesize #3 \end{center}} + +\def\SUB#1{\vspace{.15in} \leftline{\large\bf\heiti\zihao{-4}#1} +\vspace{.07in}} +\def\sub#1{\leftline{\bf\heiti\zihao{5}#1}} + +\def\REFERENCE{\vspace*{.2in} +{\noindent\bf\heiti\zihao{5}ο} \vspace*{.1in}} +%========================================================================= + +\begin{document} + +%--------------------------ҳü------------------------------------- +\def\evenhead{{\protect\small{\zihao{-5}\songti \hfill ϵ~ ͳ~ ~~ ~ ~~ʵ~} +\hfill{\zihao{-5}\songti } \,XX\,{\zihao{-5}\songti }}} +\def\oddhead{{\protect{\zihao{-5}\songti }\small \,\,X\,{\zihao{-5}\songti } +\hfill {\small\zihao{-5}\songti{ٴ,:ҹڻʵҵͶʾо} + }\hfill}} + +%---------------------------ҳҳü--------------------------------- +\vspace*{-13mm} \thispagestyle{empty} \noindent \hbox to +\textwidth{\small{\zihao{-5}\songti }\,\,X\,{\zihao{-5}\songti + }\,\,X\,{\zihao{-5}\songti }\hfill {\zihao{5} +ϵͳʵ}\hfill Vol.X, No.X} \vskip -0.2mm +\par\noindent +\hbox to \textwidth{\small 2023 {\zihao{-5}\songti }\,\,X +{\zihao{-5}\songti }\hfill Systems Engineering --- Theory \& +Practice\hfill XXX., 2023} \vskip -0.3mm +\par\noindent +\rule[2mm]{\textwidth}{0.5pt}\hspace*{-\textwidth}\rule[1.5mm]{\textwidth}{0.5pt} +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +\ziju{0.025} \vskip -7mm \noindent {\small doi:\ +XXX \qquad \qquad {ͼ:}\ \ F832.5 %ͼŴӡйͼݷ෨(İ)вá +\qquad\qquad{ױ־:\ \ A}} + +%-----------------------ע-------------------------------------------------- +\footnotetext{{\HT ո:}\ 2023-XX-XX} +\footnotetext{{\HT +߼:}\ ٴ(1980-),,ɽ,ʿо,о:ڹ;(1993-), Ů,ֳ,ʿо,о:Ӧ;һ(1995-), Ů,ɽ,ʿо,о:Ӧ;־(1988-), ,ɽ̨,ʿ,о:߷,ڷչ;(1986-), ,,ʿ,о:ڿƼ,.} +\footnotetext{{\HT Ŀ:}\ +Ȼѧ(71901202,72271227,71932002,71850014);пԺ֧Ŀ(E1E90802A2,E1EG4401X2);йѧԺ괴´ٽ;Уҵרʽ.} +\footnotetext{{\HT Foundation item:}\ National Natural Science Foundation of China (71901202,72271227,71932002,71850014); Chinese Academy of Sciences (E1E90802A2, E1EG4401X2); Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.} +\footnotetext{{\HT øʽ:}\ +ٴ, , һ, ־, . ҹڻʵҵͶʾо.[J].ϵͳʵ, +2023, X(X): 1--10.} \footnotetext{{\HT Ӣøʽ:}\ Zhong C L, +Song Q, Jing Y H, Dong Z, He Z. Research on Investment and Financing Decision of Financial Institutions and Enterprises in China[J]. Systems Engineering --- Theory \& Practice, 2023, XX(X): 1--10.} + +%---------------------ĿߡλժҪؼ, ͼ(ṩ)------------------ +%\SEC{Ŀ}{}{λ} +\SEC{ҹڻʵҵͶʾо} +{ٴ$^1$, $^{1,*}$, һ$^{2}$, ־$^{1}$, $^{1,3,4}$} {(1. йѧԺѧѧԺ, , 100190; 2. йѧԺѧеѧԺ, , 100049; 3. йѧԺھ֪ʶصʵ, , 100190; 4. йѧԺѧ־üԤԤ߷ѧѧʵ, 100190)} + + +\vskip.05in {\narrower\zihao{5}\fangsong\noindent {\heiti ժ\quad +Ҫ}\ \ ``ڷʵ徭"ʵ, ͨݻģͿ̻ڻʵҵ֮Ͷʲݻ, оӰ춯̬ݻ·Ļ. , ̬״̬˫ڴٳҵľΪ. ֮, Ļ彨ģ˼·, ˫ݻΪתΪͶʽľ, ˵λ, ͨʵҵͽڻͶʾ, ضͶʱߵӰ. о, ɱơȷʽܹƶڻԼʵķʽʵҵ. , ʱгʳɱҵӯˮƽ͵ضԾӰ. , ĶԱȺͽģ͵ĽӦ. + + +\vskip.05in \noindent {\heiti ؼ}\ \ ʱ; ʵ徭; ݻ; 彨ģ +} + + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ӢIJ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%\ESEC{ӢĿ}{}{λ} +\ESEC{Research on Investment and Financing Decision of Financial Institutions and Enterprises in China} {Zhong Conglin$^1$, Song Qi$^{1,*}$, Jing Yihan$^2$, Dong Zhi$^1$, and He Zhou$^{1,3,4}$} {(1. School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 2. Sino-Danish College at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Big Data Mining and Knowledge Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 4. MOE Social Science Laboratory of Digital Economic Forecasts and Policy Simulation at UCAS, Beijing 100190, China)} + + + +\vskip.05in \rm \noindent {\narrower\small {\bf Abstract}\ \ Based on the realistic background of ``guiding financial services to serve the real economy", this paper constructs an evolutionary game model to describe the game evolution process of investment and financing behavior between financial institutions and real enterprises, and studies the mechanism that affects the dynamic evolution path. The analysis shows that both parties tend to make decisions that promote business cooperation in the stable state. In addition, based on the idea of agent-based modelling, this paper transforms the evolutionary game behavior of the two sides into the decision-making problem of the proportion allocation of investment and financing funds, and includes the geographical location factor. By simulating the optimization process of real enterprises and financial institutions, it analyzes the influence of various factors on the proportion decision of investment and financing. It is found that by means of cost control, income distribution and government subsidies, financial institutions can be promoted to serve real enterprises in the way of indirect financing. In addition, this paper also finds that capital market financing costs, corporate profitability and geographical factors have a significant impact on decision-making. Finally, this paper compares and combines the results of the two models and puts forward some suggestions. + + + + + + +\vskip.05in \noindent{\bf Keywords}\ \ Financial capital; Real economy; Evolutionary game; agent-based modelling and simulation + + + + +} + + +\normalsize \normalsize \abovedisplayskip=2.0pt plus 2.0pt minus +2.0pt \belowdisplayskip=2.0pt plus 2.0pt minus 2.0pt \baselineskip +16pt + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ע%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% ȫеı(šðšֺššŵ)``Ӣ"еı, ``"ӿո. + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\SUB{1\ \ }%һ + +ڽг, ʵҵͽڻͶʾߴ¿ɷΪ. ʵҵ, ʾ߿ԷΪֱʣƱʺծȯʵȣͼʣҪͨҵеȽڻ. Ӧ, ڻͶʾ߿ԷΪͶֱгͶڼг. Ŀǰҹϵ, ҵдȻռгĺĵλ$^{[1]}$, ʱгչѸ, ԼΪĽڽṹҲ˱仯$^{[2]}$. ֮ԵĿѧ: ҹڻʵҵͶʾӰֱʵıϵ? + +һⲻно, Ҳзdzʵʵ. Сָ, ҹӽҵʵ徭õķ, ˹ҹͶٽڻʵʵ徭õҪ$^{[3]}$. ѧ߷, ҹڻ``ʵ", ڻҵŴ, ˮƽ$^{[4]}$. ``ʵ"ҪоڻʵҵͶʾ, ͬģʽ. , ֱģʽ, ҵʽʹõɶȽϸߡֱгϿܻýϸߵʱõ, ٵгȷҲ; ڻѡҵģʽӶ, ʽȸ, ׷չΪ``ʵ"ҵ״̬, ƫ``ʵ徭"Ҫ. ڼʷʽ, ҵΪƵؿѡڻ, ʽ;ҪܵȽǿļල, ʳɱϸ$^{[5]}$, ʹ̷Խϵ; ڻҵΥԼ, ˫Ҳܷչúϵ, ˫ЭƥҲ̶ȵر֤ҵ$^{[6]}$. ȻԼֱʵо϶, ʵ֤չ, ̻ľߺͲĹ. ò۵ֵооԽ, δȫ濼ҪԼƵ. + +ͼҹʵ, ͨģ΢ߺͲо/ֱʱı仯, ӶΪƶṩ. , ȹݻģ, ͨѧþһԵĽ, ѧģ͵ƣ֮󹹽ģ, ɲѧģ͵ļоӰ, ӷģͿɸ߶ʵ. ͨģͽ(4.3), ƶҹͶʽṹӰ, ҲΪѧоƸṩµо˼·. + +ĵоݺͽۼ. (1) Ƚڻʵҵݻģ, ̬ͨݻ·ķ: ڻʵҵ\{``ʱʵ徭, ", ``ʱʵ, ֱ"\}Ϊݻȶ; ҵĻˮƽٵֱг, ڻٵʱгԼӻٽ˫``"չ; ҵ޷üʵʧ˫ٵļҵͶijɱֱӻ˫``"ƫ. (2) Ϊ˽һʵ, IJ彨ģ淽ضߺͺӰ. һ, ģͿͬʱȡͶʻʵΪ, ݻ``ѡһ"Ĺǿ. һ, ڼģʽµطжԵʵҵ״Ϊ˽$^{[7]}$, ģĿռ佻Ϊ, Ӷӷʵ. ͨģʵ鷢: ʱгʳɱӰʵҵļʱ; ʵҵľӪӯˮƽӰڻͶʾ; ʵҵɼӰڻͶʱ; ``"ռȽʵҵӰ. + +ĺ: ڶ, ײܽ᱾ĵĴµ; , ʵݹݻ, оضͶΪߵӰ; IJ, չݻģеĻ, ǵλõģ, оضͶϵͳӰ; 岿, ܽоɹ߽. + +\SUB{2\ \ }%һ +\sub{2.1\ \ ڻʵҵ֮Ͷо}% +ٽҵʵ徭õķ, һֱǿص$^{[3]}$. ڽڻʵҵ໥ӰͶг, ѧŴԴλΪ, ֮Ӱ. : Fraisse$^{[8]}$оŴԴöҵʻӰ. Schwert$^{[9]}$K-MоŴгı仯ʵ徭ûӰ. ΡƷ$^{[10]}$о˽ֶ֧ս˲ҵӰ. ھӰķ, ܿ$^{[6]}$òĺͻڻѧϰķʵ, ԵоиծṹҵŴȡӰ, Ǻϸ$^{[11]}$оӰҵԼ. ־º$^{[12]}$ ģķо. ײͬ, ĵпǵⲿ, ͬʱ۽ڽڻʵҵͶΪѡ, עؽгеʵЧܶ. + +\sub{2.2\ \ ݻĵͶо}% +огij۷֮һ. Evstigneev$^{[13]}$һں̬ĺݻҪصķǴͳۿ, ʲгĶ̬ģ. Ǯ$^{[14]}$˰ҵкС΢ҵгС΢Ŵг, С΢ҵΪԽǷΥԼĻ. $^{[15]}$־Ϊ, ˲۵δо. ڲ۵֧, ݻж̬·;̬ȶоߵȤ, صо, оӽǴܵĽǶΪҵ΢ĽǶȽо. + +ڿڻΪľϵݻ. ΰ$^{[16]}$о˻ƽ̨ΪܷԵIJݻ, صԹ̶ͷƺͶ̬ͷ˫Բľ˱Ƚ. κ$^{[17]}$``"``"ֻҵIJݻ·. Zhang$^{[18]}$о˶̬̼׼۸񱳾̵ݻģ. ҵ΢ӽdz, LiWang$^{[19]}$ԴΪ, оͷӰҵͶʹ漰ͻ. HuoFeng$^{[20]}$ҵڲγɵҵΪо, ڵѺʲ޵ʲҵСҵʵݻģ. XuLiu$^{[21]}$ѡʡֵмҵΪ, ݻ۵ķоС΢ҵԭ. ²ͬ, , ĵоʵҵûо嵽ҵ, ģIJֿǵߵ, ҿ˷աɱӰ, ҵΪչʷʽѡо, ҵеʱͶۺоָ. + +\sub{2.3\ \ 彨ģͶо}% +彨ģ(agent-based modelling and simulation, ABMS)ķһֱȽӱijֿԵ¶ϵģͷ淽, ΪӾоṩµо˼·;. ڶԱо, FarmerAxtell$^{[22]}$ܽABM Ӧڷɱ׼ģеĴͳ. ־յ$^{[23]}$ͨȽCGEģ彨ģģص, ˻彨ģĽо. ABMS΢о, ܶѧ߽Ͷߵ΢ӽǵо. , Ͷгȷ, Bertella$^{[24]}$ԱͶ߶ͶϳеԼǵȺ͸˶˹ƱĶ̬Ӱ. Fratri$^{[25]}$թĴرг۸񲨶Ĺϵ. һ$^{[26]}$ͨģ͹Ե, оͶ߾ܵӰ, ĽгĻ. һ, Ҳѧ߿չ˶ԷմȾͿƷյЧȷо. Mu$^{[27]}$ǿѧϰ㷨ƥģ, оҵ֮ĺ۾ṹҵ֮÷մȾĻ. $^{[28]}$Ͷо˾һDZڷճĴЧӦ. $^{[29]}$ڶ, оеƲȾ.$^{[30]}$ö潨ģίдģ, ͬ¹ίдгյЧ. ʽѡ, Fiedler$^{[31]}$һֶϵͳķ, ڴٽӦѡѡ. оͬ, ABMSչݻоӰķ, ͬʱʵƵķ, ӹ㷺طָŻеӰ. + +\sub{2.4\ \ 뱾оĴ}% +׿Կ, ڻʵҵ֮Ͷоһڵ, ȱ岩Ϊϵͳо. ݻĺͻģͷͶӦúܺõչʾ, ֧űĴ΢۽ǶȽģͷҹڻʵҵɵĸͶϵͳ. , ĵĴµΪ. һ, оӽǷ, Ĵ΢߽ģǶо``ʵ"һͶϵͳĺ, Դʵ֤о۵``", о油; ڶ, о, Ĵѧģ(ݻ)ֵõһԵĽ, ֮ſּ貢ģͿչо, ͶΪʵ, Զģͽ, Ǿноϵ; , о۷, ģȡֵʵ, ȫؽģʵ, ͨȷʶؼӰҪ, ǿоۺ߽ĿѧԺ. + +\SUB{3\ \ ݻо}%һ +ݻһֻڲԵIJ, ҪϵѡѧϰԴ, մﵽ̬. ڻʵҵڽʱʵ徭õоݻķ. , ݻ۶ΪȡԼ$^{[32]}$ , ʵ, ˫ڲĵĹкϢȫ, ޷趨˫Ϊȫ. ڶ, ݻעضʱĺݻ·Ŀ, ڻʵҵIJĹ̰ʱı仯͸ĽԼΪ, ͬʱ, ݻĵķҲڹ۲Ӱݻݻ·仯. , ݻĵоȺ岩, ȺÿڲĵÿһѡлѡһܹƽIJ$^{[33]}$, 봫ͳIJͬ, ݻIJֱӴﵽ״̬ѡ, ˸ʺϿ̻ʵͬһȺвͬڶ볤Чľ. + +\sub{3.1\ \ ģ塢Լ趨}% +\sub{3.1.1\ \ ģͲԼ} +IJΪ\{ʵҵ,ڻ\}. ʵҵIJԼΪ\{,ֱ\}, ڻIJԼΪ\{ʱʵ徭,ʱʵ\}. + +\sub{3.1.2\ \ 趨} +(1) ز趨 + +$A_C,A_F$ֱʵҵͽڻδDzĽµijʼ, ʵֵȡڲͬҵӪۺԼгֵ. ڻʽԼʵķʽʵҵ, ˫ܻöΪ$\Delta V$$^{[14]}$ . ڽڻ˵, Ϣáѯõ; ʵҵ, ʽӪ, Ҳõ. ˫ķ, ҹϵ, , $\gamma(0\le \gamma \le1)$ зָ, 趨˫õĶʵҵռΪ$\gamma$, ӦĽڻռΪ$1-\gamma$. + +ʵҵȡ``ֱ", ڻȡ``ʱʵ"ʱ, ˫ɴӸԲȡIJлöӦ, ֱΪ$R_1$ $R_2$. ǵʵҵ``ֱ"гʻڸַպͲȷ, ȻǹֲȷԵĵݼ, ͳһ趨ϵ$h(0\le h\le1)$бʾ$^{[19]}$. ҵʵԴ``ֱ"ԵΪ$(1-h)R_1$, ޷ֱʱ$h=1$, ֱΪ0. Ƶ, ڻȡ``ʱʵ"ʱ, õĶַܻͬʧ, ˴ϵΪ$k(0\le k \le1)$ $^{[19]}$, ʵΪ$(1-k)R_2$. + +Ϊרעо, ģûпǾӪնӰ. ģͻģʽ, ˫ķվǽϵ͵, ΪгļʱгΪ, ԴģͺЩ. + +(2)Գɱز趨 + +Ҫ˫ȡͬԵ, 趨˫ͬµijɱ. + +$C_C,C_F$ֱʾʵҵͽڻͶɱ$^{[14,21]}$. ⱳ,$C_C$ҵΪصĸijɱ, $C_F$ ӦָڻΪṩʷ񸶳ijɱ. Ϊ, Ϊֲ뷽ͬԵijɱ, ͶɱijֱڲͬIJ. ΪʵҵΪ``"ijɱ$aC_C$, Ϊ``ֱ"ijɱΪ$(1-a)C_C$. ʵҵʳɱռȵIJľӪԡԼгӰ. Ƶ, ڻʵ徭õijɱΪ$bC_F$, ڶԴҵȡѺơŴʽеļලȡʽķõȳɱ, ڻѡ``ʱʵ"ijɱΪ$(1-b)C_F$. ϲ$a,b$$0 \le a, b \le 1$ȡֵΧ. ʱгʵӪ, ߻, ڻʣʽɱԽϵ, ʵҵڵȴʵĹҪһijɱ. , ӻɱĽǶ, 赱ʵҵѰȴδɵĶʧ, Ϊ$L_C$. + +(3)ز趨 + +ǵáڷչĺ۾ߺ֧ʵ徭÷չľٴ, $S$ԽڻӦʵ徭õʱļԲ. 趨ȫ(ע趨ѭС0ļ), 1. + +\sub{3.2\ \ ֧ݻģ͵Ľ}% +ʵҵڻĵijʼ׶, ʵҵѡ``"ĸΪ$\alpha(0\le \alpha \le 1)$, ѡ``ֱ"ĸΪ$1-\alpha$; ڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ĸΪ$\beta(0\le \beta \le 1)$, ѡ``ʱʵ"ĸΪ$1-\beta$. 趨ĵ֧±2ʾ. + +ʵҵ, ȡʲʱ, ΪڻȡͬIJԶòͬˮƽ: ڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ʱ, ҵ$A_C+\gamma \Delta V-aC_C$; ``ʱʵ"ʱ, ҵҪѰʽȴδܻµĶɱ, Ϊ$A_C-aC_C-L_C$. ҵȡֱʲʱ, ۽ڻȡʲô, Ϊ$A_C-(1-a) C_C+(1-h) R_1$. + +ڽڻ, ȡ``ʱʵ徭"ʱ, Ϊ: ʵҵҲѡ``"ʱ, ڻΪ$ A_F+(1-\gamma)\Delta V-bC_F+S$; ҵȡ``ֱ"ʱ, ڻΪ$A_F-bC_F+S$. ڻȡ``ʱʵ"ʱ, ʵҵȡʲôIJ, ڻΪ$A_F-(1-b) C_F+(1-k) R_2$. + +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{1\ \ ݻģͲ }}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 1\ \ Evolutionary game model parameters table }}}\\ +\scalebox{0.8}{ +\begin{tabular}{ c c } \toprule + &\\ +\hline +$A_C$ &ʵҵδʷʽʱijʼ\\ +$A_F$ &ڻδʽ䷽ʽʱijʼ\\ +$\Delta V$&½ڻʽҵ, ˫ö\\ +$\gamma$ &öʵҵռ\\ +$h$&ʵҵȡֱʱķϵ\\ +$R_1$&ʵҵȡֱδǷ벻ȷʱ\\ +$(1-h) R_1$&ʵҵȡֱʵʵ\\ +$L_C$&ʵҵȡ``"δɹʱĶʧ\\ +$k$&ڻȡ``ʵ"ʱϵ\\ +$R_2$&ڻȡ``ʵ"δǷʱ\\ +$(1-k) R_2$&ڻȡ``ʵ"ʱʵ\\ +$C_C$&ʵҵΪʵʳɱ\\ +$C_F$&ڻṩʷijɱ\\ +$a$&ʵҵʲijɱռ\\ +$b$&ڻʵ徭õijɱռ\\ +$S$&ԽڻӦʵ徭ߵļԲ\\ +\bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +\end{center} +\vspace{2mm} + +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{2\ \ ĵ֧}}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 2 \ \ Payment matrix of the game}}}\\ +\scalebox{0.8}{ +\begin{tabular}{c c c} \toprule + &ڻʱʵ徭$\beta$&ڻʵ$1-\beta$\\ +\hline +ʵҵ$\alpha$ &$(A_C+\gamma \Delta V-aC_C,$ + &$(A_C-aC_C-L_C,$\\ + &$A_F+(1-\gamma)\Delta V-bC_F+S)$&$A_F-(1-b) C_F+(1-k)R_2)$\\ +ʵҵֱ$1-\alpha$ &$(A_C-(1-a) C_C+(1-h) R_1,$&$(A_C-(1-a) C_C+(1-h)R_1,$\\ + &$A_F-bC_F+S)$&$A_F-(1-b) C_F+(1-k)R_2)$\\ +\bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +\end{center} +\vspace{2mm} + + +\sub{3.3\ \ݻ}%һ + +\sub{3.3.1\ \ 븴ƶ̬}% + +֧ļ, ʵҵCȡ``"``ֱ"ʱ漰ƽֱ$U_{11}$$U_{12}$$U_1$, : +\begin{equation} +U_{11}=\beta(A_C+\gamma \Delta V-aC_C )+(1-\beta)(A_C-aC_C-L_C ) +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +U_{12}=\beta(A_C-(1-a) C_C+(1-h) R_1 )+(1-\beta)(A_C-(1-a) C_C+(1-h) R_1 ) +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +U_1=\alpha U_{11}+(1-\alpha) U_{12} +\end{equation} + +ڻFȡ``ʱʵ徭"``ʱʵ"ʱ漰ƽֱ$U_{21}$$U_{22}$ $U_2$, : +\begin{equation} +U_{21}=\alpha(A_F+(1-\gamma)\Delta V-bC_F+S)+(1-\alpha)(A_F-bC_F+S) +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +U_{22}=\alpha(A_F-(1-b) C_F+(1-k) R_2 )+(1-\alpha)(A_F-(1-b) C_F+(1-k) R_2 ) +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +U_2=\beta U_{21}+(1-\beta) U_{22} +\end{equation} + +ʵҵѡ``"$\alpha$ݻĸƶ̬Ϊ: +\begin{equation} +F_1 (\alpha)=\partial \alpha/ \partial t=\alpha(U_{11}-U_1 )=\alpha(1-\alpha)(\beta(\gamma \Delta V+L_C )-L_C-(1-h) R_1+(1-2a) C_C ) +\end{equation} + +ڻѡ``ʵ徭"$\beta$ݻĸƶ̬Ϊ: +\begin{equation} +F_2 (\beta)=\partial \beta / \partial t=\beta(U_{21}-U_2)=\beta(1-\beta)(\alpha(1-\gamma)\Delta V+S+(1-2b) C_F-(1-k) R_2 ) +\end{equation} + +\sub{3.3.2\ \ ESS}% + +۵õݻĸƶ̬, һָƽ, жESS. +$F_1(\alpha)=0,F_2(\beta)=0$, +õ5, ֱΪ: +$$(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(\frac{(1-k) R_2-S-(1-2b) C_F}{(1-\gamma)\Delta V},\frac{L_C+(1-h) R_1-(1-2a) C_C}{\gamma \Delta V+L_C})$$ +趨P: +\begin{equation} +\left(\begin{array}{c c} +a_{11}&a_{12}\\ +a_{21}&a_{22} +\end{array} \right) +\end{equation} + +: +\begin{equation} +a_{11}=\frac{\partial F_1 (\alpha)}{\partial \alpha}=(1-2\alpha)(\beta(\gamma \Delta V+L_C )-L_C-(1-h) R_1+(1-2a) C_C ) +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +a_{12}=\partial F_1 (\alpha)/\partial \beta=\alpha(1-\alpha)(\gamma \Delta V+L_C ) +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +a_{21}=\partial F_2 (\beta)/\partial \alpha=\beta(1-\beta) (1-\gamma)\Delta V +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +a_{22}=\partial F_2 (\beta)/\partial \beta=(1-2\beta)(\alpha (1-\gamma)\Delta V-(1-k) R_2+S+(1-2b) C_F ) +\end{equation} + +ǾPʽΪdet(J), ļΪtr(J), ``+"Ŵ0, ``-" ŴС0, : +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{3\ \ ȶжϽ}}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 3\ \ Stability judgment results of equilibrium points}}}\\ +\scalebox{0.7}{ +\begin{tabular}{l c c r} \toprule + &det(J) &tr(J) &\\ +\hline +$A(0,0)$ &+ &- &ESS\\ +$B(1,0)$ &+ &+ &ȶ\\ +$C(1,1)$ &+ &- &ESS\\ +$D(0,1)$ &+ &+ &ȶ\\ +$E(\frac{(1-k) R_2-S-(1-2b) C_F}{(1-\gamma)\Delta V},\frac{L_C+(1-h) R_1-(1-2a) C_C}{\gamma \Delta V+L_C})$ & &0 &\\ +\bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +\end{center} +\vspace{2mm} +ݼʾ, A(0,0),C(1,1)ΪESS, ˵ڻʵҵʵҵѡ``ֱ"ҽڻѡ``ʱʵ"ʵҵѡ``"ҽڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"IJ. + +\sub{3.4\ \ʵݵİλݻ·}%һ +\sub{3.4.1\ \ λ÷}% +Ҫʵݶ԰λý, ΪĺǷ[0,1]ķΧ, ںۺݻ·оҪ. м谰ĺ01ķΧ. һǿǵ趨ڽλõĺֵӷʽΪͬʽӼIJʽʾ, ͬʱ𵽻, ʵ; һҲڵڲƵָ귶Χ, ýͱȽֱ. + +[0,1]Χʱ, ͨɵ²ʽ: +\begin{equation} +0\le (1-h) R_1-(1-a) C_C\le \gamma \Delta V-aC_C +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +0\le (1-k) R_2-(1-b) C_F \le (1-\gamma)\Delta V+S-bC_F +\end{equation} + +, ݶʽĺԽз. + +ʵҵ״ʵԷ: +ͨ(14)ʽĹ۲Է, ҵδǰõʱ, $\gamma \Delta V-aC_C$һΪǼʸҵľЧ, $(1-h) R_1-(1-a) C_C$һӦΪҵֱͨʷʽõľЧ. 벻$A_C$ Ӧ, ҵڵľӪпԺʽӪ, ɽҵΪ: һӪ͹ֱʽõЧ; Ӫ͹ʽõЧ. + +ļٶͷ, ɽͬʹģ֮ȵͬҵڲͬ»õľ֮, (14)ʽеIJʽϵǷ. ԹƱļʶծȯʶ֮ͺֱʹģ, Խڻʹģ, Windݿ, ɻݺ: 20062017, ȫֱʹģʹģıʼС1. ǰղͬݡͬʡݻֱϽнֽҲͬ. , һ, ʵĹģ, ģ; ֱʹģھһʱӺ˻ػ½(ȻҲڲ̶ͬȵӵ,ģȻڼʹģ);, ʷʽ𲽽, ڻڵطʹеζȺƳ̶ȸ͵Ľڻ,ǾǷҵԸ(ֻ)򵱵صһЩ, Ӷ˼гģ. ,ʵݺʵ,ȻľλûҪ$L_C$, λ[0,1]ΧڵļǺ. + +ڽڻ״ʵԷ: ͨ(15)ʽĹ۲Է, ͬ$A_F$, $(1-\gamma)\Delta V+S-bC_F$ һؿΪǽڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ԴľЧ, $(1-k) R_2-(1-b) C_F$ һӦΪǽڻͨʱʵķʽõľЧ. ڼг, ҵʼ, ݵĿɻ, ˴ڻΪҵ, ͬʱеķΪͶʱгϻõ, ѯѡѵ, ݵĹ. + +(15)ʽͬʱ``Ӫҵ"(÷$\varphi$ʾ), ҵеķϢռ(÷$\theta$ʾ)ָ, (15) ʽתΪʽ: +\begin{equation} +\theta-\frac{(1-b) C_F}{\varphi}\le 1-\theta+\frac{S}{\varphi}-\frac {bC_F}{\varphi} +\end{equation} + +дӼлõԴΪ; ӦߵļԲȻвȡijֲԴŻ, ǶԴҵ, ͨкǿ, , ˴ķԵ$\frac{S}{\varphi}$һ. ΪӪҵ, ΪʽӪͨijɱռ󲿷, Խ$\frac{C_F}{\varphi}$ һƵΪdzɱ(÷$\tau$ʾ). + +ٶͷ, (16)ʽԼΪ: +\begin{equation} +0 \le 1-2\times \theta+(1-2b)\times \tau +\end{equation} + +ʽֿԽһΪ: +\begin{equation} +b\le \frac{1}{2}(1+\frac{1-2\times \theta}{\tau}) +\end{equation} + +, ڰλõж, ת˶bȡֵΧж. ݵĿɻ, IJȡҵ201012202012µļ, (18)ʽȺҲಿֵֵ(ƽֵ). + +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{4\ \ (18)ʽҲಿֵ}}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 4 \ \ Part of the value on the right side of equation(18)}}} +\scalebox{0.75}{ +\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c c c c c c } \toprule + & 2010&2011&2012&2013&2014&2015&2016&2017&2018&2019&2020\\ +\hline +ֵ &1.421&1.462&1.477&1.394&1.435&1.417&1.400&1.391&1.439&1.417&1.452\\ +\bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +\end{center} +\vspace{2mm} + +ͳƷ, ʽҲСֵΪ1.391. ģжڲ$b$Ķ, $b$Сڵ1ķǸ, , $b$һС1.391Ҫ. + +, ĻʵݿչʵԷ, ʵҵͽڻ֤˰ĺλ[0,1]֮ļ, ΪĶ̬·ͲӰƵȷ춨ʵ. + +\sub{3.4.2\ \ ͼ䶯}% +ĵļʵݷ, ͼ, Eǰ, ͼ1ʾ: +\vspace{2mm}\begin{center} +\includegraphics[scale=1]{Fig1.pdf}\\ +{\bf \sz ͼ1\ \̬ݻͼ}\\ +{\bf \sz Fig.1\ \ Dynamic evolution saddle point diagram} +\end{center}\vspace{2mm} +A(0,0),C(1,1)ΪESSȶ, ʾڻʵҵĸƶ̬߶ȶԼλ. аEж·A(0,0),C(1,1) ĸʵĹؼ. תΪ, ȡABEDCBEDıȽ. ֪, +\begin{equation} +M_1=\frac{1}{2}(\frac{L_C+(1-h) R_1-(1-2a) C_C}{\gamma \Delta V+L_C }+\frac{(1-k) R_2-S-(1-2b) C_F}{(1-\gamma)\Delta V}) +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +M_2=1-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{L_C+(1-h) R_1-(1-2a) C_C}{\gamma \Delta V+L_C }+\frac{(1-k) R_2-S-(1-2b) C_F}{(1-\gamma)\Delta V}) +\end{equation} + +$M_2 \ge M_1$ʱ, ˫ijʼCBEDĸԽ, ԽпC(1,1)ƶ, ʵҵͽڻͬҵʽݻ. + +\sub{3.5\ \ 仯ݻ̵Ӱ}% + +ǰʵݷ˰λ÷Χ[0,1]֮, ĴС배λ. , 仯·ӰƿɱΪ԰Ӱ, ɸֱ۵תΪĴСӰ. Ҫı仯ݻ̺ͽӰ. + +$M_1$$M_2$ʽ$M_1$$M_2$෴, ˿ֻͨı䶯$M_1$Ӱ. õ, õӰı±5ʾ(``+"``-"ֱʾͬ䶯䶯, ÷$u$): +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{5\ \ $M_1$$M_2$ı䶯Ӱ}}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 5 \ \ parameter's influence on $M_1$$M_2$}}}\\ +\scalebox{1}{ +\begin{tabular}{l c c} \toprule +/&$\frac{\partial M_1}{\partial u}$&$\frac{\partial M_2}{\partial u}$\\ +\hline +$L_C,R_1,a,R_2,b$&+&-\\ +$\Delta V,h,k,S,$&-&+\\ +$C_C,C_F,\gamma $&&\\ +\bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +\end{center} +\vspace{2mm} + +ͨڲͬ, $M_1$$M_2$ĵ, ж仯, : + +$\Delta V$, $h$, $k$, $S$ʱ, $M_2$,ʵҵͽڻ˫ڼʵҵģʽĿԸ. ⲿֵѧʵҲʵеһЩʶԵľ, ҵģʽ˫ɹĹͬ, ԵIJ, ˫ȻѡԼ; ͬʱ, Ӧ»ķ, ѡӦԵȻ½. + +$L_C$, $R_1$, $R_2$, $a$, $b$ʱ, $M_2$. ʵ, ҵͽڻ``ֱ"Ժ``ʱʵ"IJܹõ½(ҵѡ``"ڻѡ``ʱʵ徭"ʱijɱܳɱռ½)ʱ, ѡ˫ҵģʽ(Ȼⲿֵijɱռʵжҵͽڻ趨, Ҳⲿɵ, ﲻϸ). , $L_C$ ϵʱ, ҵܻȥԺȡ``"IJ. + +ڵʱ, $\gamma, C_C, C_F$$M_1$$M_2$ Ӱ첻ж, ܵĴСõӰ, ﵥ. + +̽$C_C$, $C_F$Ӱ. ͨ󵼷, $M_1$$M_2$ Ӱܵ$a,b$ Ӱ. $a,b$ ķΧ[0,1/2]֮(ҵΪüijɱСΪֱijɱ), ڻȡ``ʱʵ徭"ʱijɱС``ʱʵ"IJijɱʱ, $C_C$ $C_F$ ,$M_2$. 仰˵, Ȼɱʱ, Բ˫ľ涼һʧ, ΪΧĹϵ, ʹö\{``"``ʱʵ徭"\}ijɱӵӰСһ. + +, ۲$\gamma$. $M_1$$\gamma$ĵ: +\begin{equation} +\frac{\partial M_1}{\partial \gamma}=\frac{[(1-k) R_2-S-(1-2b) C_F ] (\gamma \Delta V+L_C )^2-[L_C+(1-h) R_1-(1-2a) C_C][\Delta V(1-\gamma)]^2}{(\gamma \Delta V+L_C)^2 (1-\gamma)^2 \Delta V} +\end{equation} + +$\gamma$ɵӰ۱Ƚϸ, 漰Ӱ, 漰˫ڲͬµĴСԱ. ʵʹ, $\gamma$ ĴСܵ˫ǩͬʱЭʵݵӰ, ҲܵⲿӰ. , ˫ķ, ˫ǩͬʱ̶. Խϸʱ, ڻܹõһֵ϶; ෴,ҵгλõ״ʽõ, ̶һϵ͵ʱ, ǶҵʳɱĽԼ, ҲǶѳеʱľóɱĽԼ, ӦҲ. ͨʵҲԿ, $\gamma$Ӱʮָ, ܼ򵥵ֵͨ. + +\SUB{4\ \ 彨ģо}%һ + +ݻģƵһԵĽ, ȱ. һҵͽڻֱֻӡֲѡһΪ, ʵ߲``Ǻڼ". , ҵʱһʽԴڼģʽ, һʽԴֱг; ͬ, ڻὫʽһͨҵͶ, һʽֱгʱͶ. ѧģֳڻļʷΧܵ޵ʵ, оһؿܷdzҪ$^{[7]}$. + +, ½ڲ彨ģ淽(ABMS)ʵģ. ÷¶ϵؿ̻΢ľ߹ԼĽ, ڷҪضϵͳָӰ. ݻģ, ģеҵͽڻԾԲͬģʽͶʱ, $[0\%, 100\%]$ȡֵ(ڻɽʽ䵽гʱг, ҵͬ), Ӷһȱ. ڵڶȱ, ģҵ``ͽԭ"ѰΧڵļʽڻ, Ӷʵҵڻʱսʽ, Ӷо(ѰΧ)ͶʽӰ. + +\sub{4.1\ \ ģͱģ趨 }% + +\sub{4.1.1\ \ ģͱ }% + +ģͲ6ʾ, д󲿷ֲͱ1ݻģ͵IJһ, ȡֵݼ4.2.1. ΪȷʵҵͽڻԻ߱, ʷֱʹ$i, j$ӦԱע. + +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{6\ \ ģͲ(ͱ1ݻģ͵IJһ)}}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 6\ \ Agent-based model parameters}}}\\ +\scalebox{0.7}{ +\begin{tabular}{ c c c } \toprule + && ȡֵ(ȡֵݼ4.2.1)\\ +\hline +$A_{C,i}$ &ʵҵδʷʽʱijʼ& 0\\ +$B_i$ &ʵҵʹģ& 1000(ҵλ)\\ +$v_i$ &ҵýڻʽоӪ &\{2,1.2,0.3\}\\ +$\gamma$ &öʵҵռ&\{0.2,0.4,0.6\}\\ +$h_i$&ʵҵȡֱʱķϵ&\{0.2,0.4,0.6\}\\ +$r_{1,i}$&ʵҵȡֱδǷ벻ȷʱ&0.3\\ +$c_{1,i}$&ʵҵüʺʳɱ&0.1\\ +$l_{1,i}$&ʵҵȡ``"δɹʱĶʧɱ&0.03\\ +$lo_i$ &ʵҵڻľ뷶Χ&\{0,1,2\}\\ +$A_{F,j}$ &ڻδʽ䷽ʽʱijʼ&0\\ +$k_j$&ڻȡ``ʵ"ʱϵ&\{0.1,0.2,0.3\}\\ +$p_{1,j}$&ڻȡ``ʵ徭"δɹʱĶʧɱ&\{0.02,0.04,0.06\}\\ +$f_{1,j}$ &ڻɹʵ徭ṩʷľӪɱ&\{0.06,0.08,0.10\}\\ +$f_{2,j}$ &ڻȡ``ʵ"ԵľӪɱ &\{0.01,0.03,0.05\}\\ +$d_j$ &ڻͶŵʽģҵʽģı&\{1,5,9\}\\ +$s_j$&ԽڻӦʵ徭ߵļԲ &\{0.001,0.003,0.005\}\\ +$\rho$ &ڻʱгδǷյʽ&\{0.1,0.25,0.4\}\\ +$BIndirect_i$ &ʵҵʵԴڼʵĽ& \\ +$BDirect_i$ &ʵҵʵԴֱʵĽ& \\ +$DIndirect_j$ &ڻʵͶʵ徭ʽ& \\ +$DDirect_j$ &ڻʵ``ʵ"ʽ& \\ +$m_i$ &ҵƻԴڼʵʽ& ʵҵ߱ \\ +$n_j$ &ڻƻͶ``"ҵʽ& ڻ߱ \\ +$\pi_i$ &ʵҵ& \\ +$\pi_j$ &ڻ& \\ +\bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +\end{center} +\vspace{2mm} + + +\sub{4.1.2\ \ ģ趨 }% + +ģ趨, ҵֲͨͬʷʽʽı$m_i$, ݵλòȡͽԭܹô. ҵÿһ, ͻԱмƻͶŴгʽ, Ϊʵ󻯺, ҵڲͬʷʽʶΧھܵѰʽ. ݻģ, ҵʽҪ$B_i$, ԼڻͶŵʽģҵʽģı$d_j$$^{[21,27]}$, ҵͽڻͶʱ߶Ӱ. ڻھʽҵģʽµķ, ڼҵģʽ, ݽҵƥ; ֱʷ, ģемƻͶ``ֱ"ҵʽͬʱг, гڲǷյ, ڻܹõҵڸгʵijɱһ¾Ϊ$\rho$. ʱгʽ𹩴ʱ, ҵܹȡԸֱͨʷʽȡõʽ, ෴, С, ҵֻõԸʽܹռıij˻. ҵͽڻҵʵʻõֱʶڻܹṩֱʶıʽʾ: +\begin{equation} +\pi_i=A_{C,i}+{BIndirect_i}(\gamma v_i-c_{1,i})-(m_iB_i-BIndirect_i)^+\frac{l_{1,i}}{m_i}+(1-h_i)r_{1,i}{BDirect_i}-\rho BDirect_i +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +BDirect_i=min[(1-m_i)B_i,(1-m_i)B_i\frac{\sum(1-n_j)d_j}{\sum(1-m_i)}] +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +\begin{split} +\pi_j=A_{F,j}+{DIndirect_j}((1-\gamma)v_i-f_{1,j}+s_j)-(n_jd_jB_i-DIndirect_j)^+\frac{p_{1,j}}{n_j} \\ ++(1-k_j)\rho DDirect_j-((1-n_j)d_jB_i-{DDirect_j})^+\frac{f_{2,j}}{1-n_j} +\end{split} +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +DDirect_j=min[(1-n_j)d_jB_i,(1-n_j)d_jB_i\frac{\sum(1-m_i)}{\sum(1-n_j)d_j}] +\end{equation} + + +\sub{4.2\ \ ģʵ }% + +ģͱƵ, ȷ11(ģ)ĸָ(ģ). + +\sub{4.2.1\ \ ָ}% +ݻģ͵ĻҪ, ѡ$v_i$, $\gamma$, $\rho$, $s_j$, $d_j$, $f_{1,j}$, $f_{2,j}$, $p_{1,j}$, $k_j$, $lo_i$, $h_i$11Ϊ, ÿؾ3, ȡֵ6ʾ. Ϊ˽о⼯ڶͶʱߵ, ĺ$A_{C,i}$$A_{F,j}$˫Ӱ첢趨Ϊ0. Ϊ˾ֵܱ֤ʵ, $B_i$趨Ϊ1000Ļҵλ, ۵ڻͶʵʽģֱΪ$B_i$1, 5, 9ʱԾߵӰǷ. $v_i$ڲͬҵʲϴ, IJȡֲϴȡֵ, ۲ǷԾ߲Ӱ. ǵͬҵʳɱͬ, IJȡ˽Ϊƽֵ0.1Ϊ$c_{1,i}$ȡֵ. $lo_i=0$ʾҵܹнڻ, $lo_i=1, 2$ֱʾҵܹлΧ12λڵĽڻмҵĺ. ÿηģͽ64(58ҵ6ҽڻ), λÿζָ$8 \times 8$񻷾, پ֮ľ. ģ;100ʱ䲽ֹͣ. + +IJPythonʵַģ, ߲ESTOPT$^{[34]}$. ģ͵11, ÿ3ȡֵ, ʲ$L_{27}(3^{13})$ʵ, $m_i$, $n_j$, $\pi_i$, $\pi_j$ĸָΪ. ÿһʵظ10, ȡ4ָľֵ. 270ʵ, ¼ģ͵, 7ʾ. , 13жоӰֻ11, пհ(ֳ)ڹ. + +%\begin{table}[] +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{7\ \ ʵ}}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 7\ \ Simulation experiment results}}}\\ +\scalebox{0.7}{ +%\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{ +\begin{tabular}{c|cccrcccrcccrr|rrrr} \toprule +ʵ& $lo_i$ & $h_i$ & $\gamma$ & $v_i$ & $k_j$ & $p_{1,j}$ & $f_{1,j}$ & $f_{2,j}$ & $d_j$ & $s_j$ & $\rho$ & 1 & 2 & $m_i$ & $n_j$ & $\pi_i$ & $\pi_j$ \\ +\midrule +1 & 0 & 0.2 & 0.2 & 2 & 0.1 & 0.02 & 0.06 & 0.01 & 1 & 0.001 & 0.1 & 0 & 0 & 0.5773 & 1.0000 & 6.8338 & 1540.9914 \\ +2 & 1 & 0.2 & 0.4 & 1.2 & 0.2 & 0.06 & 0.1 & 0.01 & 5 & 0.005 & 0.25 & 0 & 0 & 0.9836 & 0.4290 & 60.8209 & 1317.6819 \\ +3 & 2 & 0.2 & 0.6 & 0.3 & 0.3 & 0.04 & 0.08 & 0.01 & 9 & 0.003 & 0.4 & 0 & 0 & 0.9809 & 0.1764 & -14.8548 & 32.1848 \\ +4 & 0 & 0.4 & 0.2 & 1.2 & 0.2 & 0.04 & 0.1 & 0.05 & 1 & 0.003 & 0.4 & 1 & 0 & 0.7340 & 1.0000 & -11.2754 & 862.9968 \\ +5 & 1 & 0.4 & 0.4 & 0.3 & 0.3 & 0.02 & 0.08 & 0.05 & 5 & 0.001 & 0.1 & 1 & 0 & 0.0223 & 0.1048 & 15.7067 & 267.7707 \\ +6 & 2 & 0.4 & 0.6 & 2 & 0.1 & 0.06 & 0.06 & 0.05 & 9 & 0.005 & 0.25 & 1 & 0 & 0.9755 & 0.6278 & 609.6986 & 3698.2248 \\ +7 & 0 & 0.6 & 0.2 & 0.3 & 0.3 & 0.06 & 0.08 & 0.03 & 1 & 0.005 & 0.25 & 2 & 0 & 0.9886 & 0.4265 & -31.8833 & 66.0302 \\ +8 & 1 & 0.6 & 0.4 & 2 & 0.1 & 0.04 & 0.06 & 0.03 & 5 & 0.003 & 0.4 & 2 & 0 & 0.9905 & 0.4599 & 140.4664 & 2503.9586 \\ +9 & 2 & 0.6 & 0.6 & 1.2 & 0.2 & 0.02 & 0.1 & 0.03 & 9 & 0.001 & 0.1 & 2 & 0 & 0.6084 & 0.6112 & 335.5242 & 2294.4361 \\ +10 & 0 & 0.2 & 0.4 & 2 & 0.2 & 0.04 & 0.08 & 0.05 & 9 & 0.001 & 0.25 & 2 & 1 & 0.9669 & 0.9862 & 641.1201 & 9958.9978 \\ +11 & 1 & 0.2 & 0.6 & 1.2 & 0.3 & 0.02 & 0.06 & 0.05 & 1 & 0.005 & 0.4 & 2 & 1 & 0.9333 & 0.9118 & 30.6913 & 412.2126 \\ +12 & 2 & 0.2 & 0.2 & 0.3 & 0.1 & 0.06 & 0.1 & 0.05 & 5 & 0.003 & 0.1 & 2 & 1 & 0.0028 & 0.0687 & 49.9314 & 321.3499 \\ +13 & 0 & 0.4 & 0.4 & 1.2 & 0.3 & 0.06 & 0.06 & 0.03 & 9 & 0.003 & 0.1 & 0 & 1 & 0.9529 & 0.9869 & 349.0957 & 5897.0628 \\ +14 & 1 & 0.4 & 0.6 & 0.3 & 0.1 & 0.04 & 0.1 & 0.03 & 1 & 0.001 & 0.25 & 0 & 1 & 0.9501 & 0.0000 & -33.4433 & 93.0791 \\ +15 & 2 & 0.4 & 0.2 & 2 & 0.2 & 0.02 & 0.08 & 0.03 & 5 & 0.005 & 0.4 & 0 & 1 & 0.9714 & 0.9103 & 118.8344 & 6892.2585 \\ +16 & 0 & 0.6 & 0.4 & 0.3 & 0.1 & 0.02 & 0.1 & 0.01 & 9 & 0.005 & 0.4 & 1 & 1 & 0.9996 & 0.2811 & -17.0146 & 126.4364 \\ +17 & 1 & 0.6 & 0.6 & 2 & 0.2 & 0.06 & 0.08 & 0.01 & 1 & 0.003 & 0.1 & 1 & 1 & 0.3207 & 0.9867 & 85.8388 & 709.8276 \\ +18 & 2 & 0.6 & 0.2 & 1.2 & 0.3 & 0.04 & 0.06 & 0.01 & 5 & 0.001 & 0.25 & 1 & 1 & 0.9683 & 0.9129 & 47.9254 & 4088.7992 \\ +19 & 0 & 0.2 & 0.6 & 2 & 0.3 & 0.06 & 0.1 & 0.03 & 5 & 0.001 & 0.4 & 1 & 2 & 0.8787 & 1.0000 & 556.7526 & 3504.9875 \\ +20 & 1 & 0.2 & 0.2 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 0.04 & 0.08 & 0.03 & 9 & 0.005 & 0.1 & 1 & 2 & 0.2030 & 0.3036 & 97.4772 & 2157.4883 \\ +21 & 2 & 0.2 & 0.4 & 0.3 & 0.2 & 0.02 & 0.06 & 0.03 & 1 & 0.003 & 0.25 & 1 & 2 & 0.7070 & 0.0000 & -30.8275 & 199.9995 \\ +22 & 0 & 0.4 & 0.6 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 0.02 & 0.08 & 0.01 & 5 & 0.003 & 0.25 & 2 & 2 & 0.8648 & 1.0000 & 308.6999 & 2014.9947 \\ +23 & 1 & 0.4 & 0.2 & 0.3 & 0.2 & 0.06 & 0.06 & 0.01 & 9 & 0.001 & 0.4 & 2 & 2 & 1.0000 & 0.2090 & -31.9416 & 248.3482 \\ +24 & 2 & 0.4 & 0.4 & 2 & 0.3 & 0.04 & 0.1 & 0.01 & 1 & 0.005 & 0.1 & 2 & 2 & 0.4599 & 0.9985 & 47.1471 & 1103.4756 \\ +25 & 0 & 0.6 & 0.6 & 0.3 & 0.2 & 0.04 & 0.06 & 0.05 & 5 & 0.005 & 0.1 & 0 & 2 & 0.5135 & 0.0738 & -15.3067 & 381.3862 \\ +26 & 1 & 0.6 & 0.2 & 2 & 0.3 & 0.02 & 0.1 & 0.05 & 9 & 0.003 & 0.25 & 0 & 2 & 0.9966 & 0.4287 & 69.0216 & 3886.6850 \\ +27 & 2 & 0.6 & 0.4 & 1.2 & 0.1 & 0.06 & 0.08 & 0.05 & 1 & 0.001 & 0.4 & 0 & 2 & 0.8297 & 0.9973 & 13.6864 & 640.2274\\ \bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +%\end{table} +\end{center} +\vspace{0.05mm} + + +\sub{4.2.2\ \ ʵ}% + +, ÿָķ(ANOVA), 8ʾ. pֵ$F$ͳ$F$ֲõ. 0.10ˮƽ, $\rho$ ҵƻԴڼʵʽ$m_i$Ψһ, ˵ֱʵʳɱӰҵԴҪ. $lo_i$ $v_i$ $n_j$ . ͨԷ, ȻΪʵҵ, Ľ, ڻڿʽʱ, ܵҵԽڻΧӰ. $\gamma$$v_i$$d_j$$\pi_i$, һʵҵ, ڻнҵʱ۽ʵĿӪԼڻܹʹõȫͶҵʶȵıģӰDZȽҪ. , ʵ$v_i$ $\pi_j$ Ψһ. һ˵, 佻Ӱغܶ, ʵҵĻˮƽȽӰ쵽ڻˮƽ. + +\begin{center}{\sz {\textbf{8\ \ }}}\\ +{\sz {\textbf{Table 8\ \ ANOVA table}}}\\ +\scalebox{0.7}{ +\begin{tabular}{ccrrrrrrrrrrrr} + \toprule + & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & $m_i$ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & & $n_j$ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & & $\pi_i$ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & & $\pi_j$ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} \\ + \cline{3-5} \cline{6-8} \cline{9-11} \cline{12-14} +Source & DOF & MS & F ratio & P value & MS & F ratio & P value & MS & F ratio & P value & MS & F ratio & P value \\ \midrule +$lo_i$ & 2 & 0.039 & 0.674 & 0.5593 & 0.237 & 7.845 & 0.0413 & 50966.46 & 3.368 & 0.1388 & 4582624 & 0.987 & 0.4485 \\ +$h_i$ & 2 & 0.028 & 0.489 & 0.6457 & 0.027 & 0.889 & 0.4792 & 21240.61 & 1.404 & 0.3453 & 1220718 & 0.263 & 0.7812 \\ +$\gamma$ & 2 & 0.011 & 0.184 & 0.8389 & 0.001 & 0.023 & 0.9774 & 67257.25 & 4.445 & 0.0963 & 2416561 & 0.52 & 0.6298 \\ +$v_i$ & 2 & 0.033 & 0.569 & 0.6062 & 1.306 & 43.239 & 0.002 & 158881.2 & 10.5 & 0.0256 & 28692472 & 6.177 & 0.0598 \\ +$k_j$ & 2 & 0.017 & 0.298 & 0.7578 & 0.041 & 1.365 & 0.3532 & 349.376 & 0.023 & 0.9773 & 2711505 & 0.584 & 0.5992 \\ +$p_{1,j}$ & 2 & 0.002 & 0.031 & 0.9694 & 0.019 & 0.626 & 0.5802 & 23434.15 & 1.549 & 0.3176 & 683915.6 & 0.147 & 0.8676 \\ +$f_{1,j}$ & 2 & 0.063 & 1.08 & 0.4216 & 0.033 & 1.098 & 0.4168 & 929.355 & 0.061 & 0.9413 & 2392257 & 0.515 & 0.6324 \\ +$f_{2,j}$ & 2 & 0.056 & 0.967 & 0.4545 & 0.047 & 1.569 & 0.314 & 34345.79 & 2.27 & 0.2194 & 4630322 & 0.997 & 0.4454 \\ +$d_j$ & 2 & 0.069 & 1.182 & 0.395 & 0.091 & 3.003 & 0.1598 & 108757.2 & 7.187 & 0.0474 & 14971123 & 3.223 & 0.1466 \\ +$s_j$ & 2 & 0.006 & 0.11 & 0.8988 & 0.024 & 0.778 & 0.5183 & 14705.79 & 0.972 & 0.4529 & 1493398 & 0.321 & 0.7422 \\ +$\rho$ & 2 & 0.818 & 14.087 & 0.0155 & 0.038 & 1.257 & 0.3771 & 22494.65 & 1.487 & 0.3291 & 3995696 & 0.86 & 0.489 \\ + & 4 & 0.058 & & & 0.03 & & & 15132.06 & & & 4645236 & & \\ \bottomrule +\end{tabular}} +\end{center} +\vspace{0.05mm} + +\sub{4.3\ \ ݻĽԱȷ}% + +ͨԷ: һ, $v_i$$\pi_i$$n_j$$\pi_j$֪, ʵҵӪˮƽӰ, ͬʱԽڻʽߺӰ. ԱݻĵĽԷ, ʵҵĻüʺˮƽ, ˫ҵҪ.һDZȽϷϿ͹ʵ, ڻԴڶ, Ӹ˵, ֻʵ徭, ܴõĻԾʽͨ, ܱ֤ڻ. ڶ, $\rho$$m_i$ , ݻģͽйҵֱʲijɱӰĽһµ. , Ȼ$\gamma$ݻģͽ׶εӰûȷıʾ, ģʵҲûбֳ$m_i$$n_j$Ӱ, $\pi_i$ Ӱ. $\gamma$ Ϊ˫ҵһЭָ, ʵҵһ״Ƶһ, ŻӰȽ. , ݻģͽ׶, ģп˵غҵҪڻͶʹĹģԱȵӰ, ʵ, $lo_i$$m_i$ȻûӰ, Ƕ$n_j$ǴӰ, ˵ʵҵ, رС΢ҵͨᰴվͽԭȥѰд, ھҵձԶĽڻ, ׽ҵϵ, Ҳ˵Ҫ˫ļҵĺ, ڻҪܿʵҵ, ҲϽڻԼطзչʵ. , $d_j$$\pi_i$Ӱ, Ҳ˵˽ڻʽ𹩸ܹʵҵҪӰ. + + +\SUB{5\ \˼}%һ +ͨڻʵҵ֮ݻģ, ģ˫ĵĶ̬, ָʵ, λõĺ. , ڻʵҵIJĻ\{``ʱʵ徭, ", ``ʱʵ, ֱ"\}ȶ㷢չ, ݷͺ֤, ͨɱơ䡢ȷʽ, Ӱ˫ҵģʽ, Ӱֱʵҵϵ. ĻͨģͲģʵ, ʵƺͷ, ˹ؼָӰ, ʵҵʱгٵʳɱҵʱ䡢ʵҵӯˮƽͶԽڻѰΧԽڻͶʱӰ. + +ݱĵо, ½: + +һ, ƽʱʵ徭ҵ, ͬʱǿԽгȶչҪ. ݻĵĽ, ڽڻʵ徭þ. , ӦȷලͼЧ, ϸڻʵ徭õָͼˮƽ, Ƽල͵, ָ֤ͼߵʵԡЧ. ָ, ڻʵҵʺʱռȡڻʽͶʵҵĹģʵҵӰ, , ӦʵڻʽͶˮƽͼʵĻ׼, Чٽڷʵ徭õķչ. + +ڶ, ʵҵӦƽʷʽѡ, ǿڻĺ, ͬߺˮƽ, ͺɱ, ʵ˫Ӯ. ݻĵĽ, ҵѰҼʺδɹijɱʧڼҵĴٳɾӰ. ʵ, ˫ΪϢԳơгλIJԭ, dzɸ߶Ѱɱ̸гɱҵظȺɱ, Դ˷ѺʽʹõĵЧ. , ڿʺʱ, ˫ҪЧعͨЭ, ͲȷԺڵȴɵĻɱ, Ӷʹʱõطʵ徭, ʱʹЧ, ٽҵչ. + +, ڻӦʵʵ徭õҪ, 㷺Э̻, Э, չҵصҵģʽ. ˽ڻʵҵʺʱռȶʵҵӰ, ˵ڻ, Ӧú趨, ʵҵռ, ʵҵͨʷʽг, ֤ƽ. ͬʱ, ڵλصо, , ڻӪҵҪܵؿС΢ҵ, ˫ɱϢɱ, ٽҵڻʽҵ. + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ͼƬ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%\vspace{2mm}\begin{center} +%\includegraphics[scale=1]{1r.eps}\\ +%{\bf \sz ͼ1\ \ +%ָ̬ܶȹƷֱ任Q-Q ͼ} +%\end{center}\vspace{2mm} + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ο%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\REFERENCE + +{\small \baselineskip 12pt + +%Ϊӳĵѧˮƽʹ³̶,Ҫ3 ڷ(ڿ). +%߿ڱվ: http://www.sysengi.comزĴȫ. +%οб밴õȺ˳,бõбλ: +%ӳɷݵϽDZʽ,ֱ$^{[1]}$ʽ,ӳɷݵƽ. +%ĵĸ,һɲǰ¼ʽ.úƴдйȫƴ,д;ŷߵдĸ;дд, +%: Zhang J T, Calms R B. ʱ,ڵߺ``," ``, et al". ֮öŷָ,``and". + +\REF{[1]} +,,. +زŴҹϵϵͳԷյӰ졪ϵڲģʵ֤о[J].ɽѧѧ(ѧ),2019,59(03):186-196.DOI:10.13471/j.cnki.jsysusse.2019.03.020.\\ +Li S Z, Ma J L, Zhu S S. 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