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324, 257, 5, 44, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e2e34a53-d5ba-4cd9-9752-0825b295d655"], Cell[10288, 331, 1082, 29, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"97198f92-d4d8-4bef-a2c6-fecc823666b7"] }, Open ]], Cell[11385, 363, 1006, 26, 54, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d97ecf0e-dfb5-41fc-8429-1b34a26fc894"], Cell[12394, 391, 242, 5, 48, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a272a324-42cb-4be9-b506-0c7b0abcb1c8"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[12661, 400, 148, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b1dfe795-fe1b-44f6-8f6e-eaac801cf033"], Cell[12812, 404, 1586, 48, 93, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"32a3aa43-9da5-401e-b6d3-f5d8ac8d603d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[14435, 457, 1618, 49, 172, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4901b00c-eb26-4d92-bbca-5bb9f85ffe1b"], Cell[16056, 508, 1085, 32, 57, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d65d5c1b-b841-451f-a7a9-10d81890d6c4"] }, Open ]], Cell[17156, 543, 1163, 33, 54, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"10e6d67a-1345-48a7-8088-750ea6bd29c2"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18344, 580, 148, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"71917841-9435-4519-94d4-573936e3ac30"], Cell[18495, 584, 2449, 72, 107, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"45437145-17b0-4241-97b7-c26d7e8920c8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20981, 661, 163, 3, 44, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fb1ebb62-e683-4ab1-8ede-c4ee19810a52"], Cell[21147, 666, 968, 30, 55, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a3cce2c0-7719-42cc-a46f-58bbc31c9655"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22152, 701, 148, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ce32a112-e8f0-416a-89f7-353bb2104add"], Cell[22303, 705, 2599, 76, 107, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"255cac60-2254-476e-bfa3-aa041eae7052"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24939, 786, 163, 3, 44, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"64de8332-46cd-45e6-9566-cd699dd6576b"], Cell[25105, 791, 1076, 34, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fcd4855f-05b5-46f6-9d11-0c1f75991896"] }, Open ]], Cell[26196, 828, 1807, 53, 97, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7480f2b3-442f-4e32-b5a0-bed33bac3002"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28028, 885, 212, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"635094f0-bf20-468c-a051-32f256be628e"], Cell[28243, 890, 1633, 50, 99, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6e5212e6-778b-416a-bf4b-c6e85bc6facb"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[29913, 945, 1697, 52, 112, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fa4b81ee-8ae8-44f4-9f0e-cc3a55bbdc07"], Cell[31613, 999, 960, 29, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6e2f0995-49a5-462b-8e75-5f02bdfb76cf"] }, Open ]], Cell[32588, 1031, 1940, 59, 102, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a949397d-1899-412c-b67b-9d427e3063d0"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[34553, 1094, 121, 1, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7e5d9a91-41e4-4330-8297-412b0094303f"], Cell[34677, 1097, 1811, 56, 104, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b703c95f-61b8-4c23-9d0b-4dce218ec578"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[36525, 1158, 1892, 60, 117, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d35dc5ad-3bf9-4dd5-a916-49068fc9214d"], Cell[38420, 1220, 935, 28, 59, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7045aeda-019d-4098-916c-ba9c1c032726"] }, Open ]], Cell[39370, 1251, 6565, 189, 188, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"dbd25efc-498b-45bb-9d9a-e1be1c6fdd44"], Cell[45938, 1442, 1939, 59, 102, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ec561426-5628-41c8-9a95-20e0621c8f52"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[47902, 1505, 120, 1, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9e9f0b72-cb9d-47a8-aa85-ff26de181982"], Cell[48025, 1508, 1810, 56, 104, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f41db322-ec4e-42d0-86b0-3adb0537b22e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[49872, 1569, 204, 3, 44, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c888cdb4-3b14-4942-b4bd-236b731d1518"], Cell[50079, 1574, 933, 28, 59, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f4649fbe-c861-4114-bf08-5cdfbbbbb0ef"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *)